Goat Syndicate and My Apologies/Update

I am posting a little update and apology for being so MIA as of late. The good news is I am alive.

The rumor that I was caught by the shady and powerful Goat Syndicate is only partly true. I did, on one rainy afternoon while checking for packages find myself facing what many hardcore subscription addicts face… the sit down.

The signs of what was to come were all there… in hindsight of course. The unopened subscriptions piling up, the huge amount of items that had no nook or cranny to go, the friends/family who begged me not to give them another mascara… (I mean didn’t they know this mascara THIS mascara was “worth” $45!!!!!???!!! The box value SAID SO!)  I was just too blind to see it.

My life was just as crowded and jumbled as my living room and it was starting to wear on the nerves of those who loved me. My cat Sophia von Bearcat de Coronado became a bit distant… the grumbles from my bear became louder.

I was drowning in my own hoard that I could no longer even give away!!! I was unable to keep up with he influx of items and what was worse I was loosing the passion to write and review them. I couldn’t find the humor in my own situation.

It wasn’t just boxes, it was that work wasn’t going the way I wanted it. I felt like I was in a rut, and it made me feel like a cloud was over my head. I had some personal and family problems pop up. Serious ones, but it was not MY health, so don’t feel bad for me or anything. Just my feelings and how to deal with all of that.

All of this I shoved into one big old pile of crap and it came time for me to take a break and sift through it all. I had to take some time out to get right.

I am still sifting but I am thankful to Pnut and Onderria for keeping the light on here and I am thankful to be able to vent and have a place to get weird on the internet.

That said, there will be some fun content changes that I hope anyone reading can vibe with. I want to work to update the site because it really is a clunky thing. I just personally have to keep the subscriptions I review to the bare minimum until I finally make it through the very last of my hoard. I hope to think of new fun things to discuss along with our core love for being surprised every month because we do deserve to treat ourselves!

The goats?

Well, this summer while sitting on a bench eating Sour Patch Kids (picking out all the red ones first because I am the worst sort of person) a man sat down next to me on a bench. He was wearing a trench coat, a hat, and dark sunglasses.

He put down his newspaper next to me, “The hawk flies at MidNEIGHHHH-NAAAA.. *cough* Midnight”

“Huh?” I did not expect him to say much, after all he was a man dressed in a trench coat on a sunny day at the park… I just expected him to flash me and be on his way.

“The hawk flies and midnight *grumble grumble*” He said again.

It was then I realized that he had started to chew on his hat! It was a goat from the Goat Syndicate!

“The box cannot hold those who soar” I replied back. I trembled a bit because I did not know if I was in danger.

“Those who soar have quirky to share.” Then he got up and left. Casually gnawing at his rolled up newspaper like a cold churro that you are determined to enjoy no matter what. His hooves clacking on the pavement.

So I hope to share more and slowly but surely get back in the groove… I am still working hard at my job and even taking a college class! Still, life isn’t right without our fun!


  21 comments for “Goat Syndicate and My Apologies/Update

  1. February 1, 2018 at 3:05 pm

    Glad you are ok! I stalk this site waiting for posts from you, Onderria and Pnut!

    • February 1, 2018 at 9:14 pm

      Weirdly my original reply is not showing up…. might be the fumes from my hair dye (brass basnisher….so they say) Yes I have a robe on and a hair cap on trying to make myself look less orange and more California blonde lol)

      Hopefully my original comment will shot but thank you Susie for checking us. We are a family. In my reply I kept it light, but honestly I am so thankful for the support!!!

      I really let my life pile up in a sort of spectacular way. If I had more talent it could be a book. just a messy pile of mess…

    • February 1, 2018 at 9:17 pm

      Also I know right?!? They have been amazing with no support from me… Imagine writing on a clunky blog for the love of it… even when your self indulgent mess of an admin takes an unannounced break! Ugh! They deserve so much!!!

      I feel like the goats took pity on me because of them…

  2. PA Anna
    February 1, 2018 at 8:52 pm

    I was worried about you! Glad that you are ok. Watch out for the goats.

    • February 1, 2018 at 9:05 pm

      Thank you PA Anna!!!! You were there from the start of these goats! Those damn dirty goats!

      I have thought of you as well!!!

      I would hate to cause anyone any worry. I am the most self indulgent creature that ever walked the earth. I would hate to cost anyone a second of worry.

      Ugh, I dunno if it is mid 30s (fine late 30s now sheesh) no kids and wanting, sick family, or just my “ME” nature. But I have been working through it, and am beyond happy to be able to interact with women who have such caring and open natures. It is truly a wonderful thing. Thank you!

  3. Farmcat
    February 2, 2018 at 5:15 pm

    I’m glad you are ok. I hope this year will go better for you.

    • February 2, 2018 at 7:10 pm

      Thank you Farmcat. I’m just the queen of letting things get out of hand. Most of my problems are my own making… sometimes I blame the cat, but only when she is sleeping!

  4. Dayle
    February 3, 2018 at 6:37 am

    Welcome back! Everyone needs a break at some point, especially with subs sometimes. I often have to remind myself that even if a box appears to have good monetary value, it isn’t necessarily valuable to me. And then, the old FOMO monster weasels it’s way into our brain. I can imagine it might be even worse when you have a blog and people are waiting to hear from you.

    Regardless though it is great to hear from you!

    • February 8, 2018 at 9:23 am

      Right Dayle?!? I reallllllly needed a break. I was so spoiled and stopped being excited about it. I still will get a few but I am shocked that I have not missed many of them. For instance Birchbox… I hardly miss it. I still get Sephora and ipsy and I think they always bring me a great value.

      I am going to take a look at the newer boxes… I peaked in on the Rachel Zoe one and am unimpressed with the spoilers… I am not that fashion forward.

  5. Ake
    February 6, 2018 at 8:09 pm

    Hope the life stuff is resolving itself nicely! On the box side, I completely understand. I mostly just stalk spoilers and read reviews these days, only buying the occasional one-off box I really like.

    • February 8, 2018 at 9:26 am

      Ake! I peeped in on some spoilers and am thinking it really is the best way to shop unless you KNOW you will usually like the sub. I usually enjoy ipsy and it is cheap so I don’t bother caring about choices or anything. But for a box more than $10?!? Spoilers it is!

      I would trade more, but my experience has been CRAZY with swaps. One time the package I sent was thrown by the delivery person and so the item got damaged. I felt so bad, and the Swapee was sweet but I could tell she thought I was somehow at fault… so I ended up giving her a double of the item (I was going to keep it for myself hence why I was swapping the double).

      • Ake
        February 22, 2018 at 7:49 pm

        That’s awful about the damaged item. But it sounds like you were more than generous with the replacement!

  6. LC
    February 7, 2018 at 1:35 am

    Yay! I’m so glad to hear you’re ok. I had a comment all typed out last night, but apparently I fell asleep before I hit post.

    • February 8, 2018 at 9:29 am

      Hey LC! I did the same thing!!! Yes it feels nice to be back but it is hard to think up things to write that will interest anyone other than reviews. I have a few of those I can write though.

      I am taking this marketing class online via UC Berkeley extension and it is my fourth one. Thing is, I thought it would be the easiest, but it is by far the hardest. They have me writing papers every week! I think it makes me a boring blog writer when I write for school lol

      • LC
        February 21, 2018 at 10:57 pm

        Ugh, writing papers is the worst. My papers in college were always several pages shorter than they were supposed to be because I just didn’t see the point in trying to force things or make things up to make the paper longer, lol. As far as the blog goes, when in doubt, post cat pictures!!

      • LC
        February 21, 2018 at 11:00 pm

        It seems as though my comment is “awaiting moderation” because I used a different email addy. I’ll just post it with my old one.

        Ugh, writing papers is the worst. My papers in college were always several pages shorter than they were supposed to be because I just didn’t see the point in trying to force things or make things up to make the paper longer, lol. As far as the blog goes, when in doubt, post cat pictures!!

        • February 22, 2018 at 4:24 pm

          Sorry about the slow moderation lol!!! I am so glad you feel me on the paper writing! I am stuck now writing more papers but I only have a few more weeks to go for this class! I laughed at the papers being too short, I’m ashamed that I’ve pulled some old tricks to get the page count I need…

  7. Heat7918
    February 8, 2018 at 2:08 pm

    I echo everyone’s comments and so glad you’re back Subista! I’m trying to imagine your school papers if you wrote them all in the same “voice” you use to write for this blog – LOL! Your professors would be highly entertained at least… 🙂 I’d give you an A+!

    Losing my job last summer was a bit of a blessing in disguise – for one thing, I stopped almost all my subs which has kept me from overflowing way more than I already am… I still insist on torturing myself by reading daily about sub boxes – I don’t know why but I just love it even though I rarely buy anymore no matter how much I want them!

    Hoping to get a job soon before my severance runs out, but still hold strong to limit my box purchases.

    Special thanks to Pnut & Onderria for their great work on this blog!

  8. Mailbox Junkie
    February 9, 2018 at 1:46 pm

    Good to hear you are on the mend, friend. If you can believe it, I only subscribe to one box right now. . . . . Now I just live vicariously through others. I like to think I am over my addiction but. . .I still peep the spoilers

    • Dayle
      February 10, 2018 at 4:08 am

      Hello! So what single box made the team? Boxwalla Beauty? Beauty Heroes? Do tell! How is life in paradise? It is dreary, cold and windy in Iowa and I am craving 70 degrees and sun!

      I am down to 3 boxes- BH, Boxwalla Beauty and Goodbeing. I miss my Avenue A horribly! I just got the Indie Beauty Expo Best of box and considering buying another because there are a few things in it that I would repurchase that add up to the cost of the box.

      • Ake
        February 22, 2018 at 7:49 pm

        My guess is Beaty Heroes. Am I right, MJ?

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