Grove Collaborative Subscription Box Review + Coupon – February 2018

Box: Grove Collaborative (this link gives you $10 and me $10 when you sign up)!

Contents: Curated and/or self-selected eco-friendly products such as Cleaning, Laundry, Hand and Body, Face and Hair, Kids, Scent Free, Oral Care, etc. to ship when you want it (monthly and/or on demand)! Some of the Brands carried are Seventh Generation, Acure Organics, Method, Mrs. Meyers, Molly’s Suds, and house brand Grove Collaborative.

Cost: Price of your items (usually discounted) plus $2.99 shipping (waived if you are a VIP member see more details below).

Kick Back and Get Comfortable: 

I LOVE the service that Grove Collaborative offers. Every item that I received was either a promotional free item or discounted. I will keep a lookout for more promos and let you know! Most of the products that I bought were not found on discount via my beloved Amazon. Because I wanted to avoid passing Target and paying $200, we would buy our cleaning products on Home Depot (which were not discounted at all).

We all know how I want to save money in the comfort of my own home.

I found signing up was easy. Grove Collaborative asks a few questions and then curates a box for you. You can then feel free to delete and add items as you wish.

There is a $2.99 shipping charge BUT if you sign up for VIP status, the shipping fee is waived! So while you are shopping look into the VIP trial because you receive free shipping for two months and then you pay $19.99 for a year. In addition to VIP status, you will receive freebies amounting to five (5!) full size items within a year so $19.99 pays for itself in (1) free shipping, (2) five full size items and (3) the already discounted savings on items purchased!!! And if you forget to add the VIP trial to your order (like I did) the VIP trial option appears after you place your first order. And then if you forget that, I am sure the awesome customer service will take of you!

Once you make an order you can set up to change when you want your next delivery and what products you want for that delivery. Grove Collaborative will send advance email reminders and a text reminder (if you give your cell) when a monthly box is scheduled so you can make any modifications to that order. Also a week after you sign up, you will be able to “purchase now” if you need something now.

Note on Customer Service:

Not only is customer service awesome, make sure you look under the customer service representative’s signature because there might be a link with a coupon to one of their favorite products. You know me and codes and coupons.

I also was recently sent an email blast from Grove Collaborative with some points that they wanted their customers to be aware of and if you are not happy with a product they will compensate you! How awesome is that!?!

An other awesome plus is that if there is a promo for new customers, Grove Collaborative usually also rewards continuing customers with a promo as well!

Codes and/or Coupons for new and continuing customers = A Happy and Loyal Pnut

Price Matching Deets:

I noticed when I was stalk tracking my Grove Co box one of their advertisements  on the tracking page was for the VIP program features. One of the features was “price matching”!

Online Price Matching be still my heart!!!

As always, the second weeist of my Pnut people, Squeakette,

wants me to get started on the review

so let us indulge our little assistant!

Here is a picture of Squeakette earlier this month. Squeakette is our flower lei girl. We attended a birthday party and she picked up a ton of unused leis for a photo prop and put them all on! I linked this photo to this month’s Face Mask Alchemy for theme reasons (see review here). Recently our poor Squeakette had a random fall at home and received 6 stitches on her lip and face so this month I will attempt to show her good side (permanent bed head as always is complimentary until it grows out longer).

If I told you the non-dramatic story, you would want to bubble all the kids and furbabies.


Caldrea – Linen and Room Spray in Dahlia Red Currant

Caldrea – Linen and Room Spray in Dahlia Red Currant

Squeakette thinks I have too many Caldrea Linen and Room Sprays and she may be right.

But Caldrea was on sale!!!

This is what I get for following my own directions and clicking Grove Co’s links. I was good and only bought one Caldrea product. Although I was longing for a candle at $13 something. I was able to snag this Caldrea Linen and Room Spray for $5.99!!! It smells like fresh berries. Not the nommy berries but the nice room freshener scent of berries.

It smells like delicious non-nomable berries. 


Seventh Generation – Tub & Tile Cleaner in Emerald Cypress & Fir

Seventh Generation – Tub & Tile Cleaner in Emerald Cypress & Fir

I have been a big fan of Seventh Generation products and have slowly have been buying new eco cleaning items from this brand. I previously had bought the Seventh Generation Tub Concentrate (I believed now discontinued) by placing it in the tub with a little pool of hot tubwater and scrubbed away (ummm… not the purpose of a concentrate but I just do Pnut). This will give me more power to spray in directions all over, particularly those pesky bath bombs and color tablets.

I just gave this a spray “around the tub” and wow it knocks down the grease. I do like this better since I can direct the spray around. Smelled like fir but my bathroom did not smell like a Christmas tree it was light (just enough to let you know that you were spraying something). Cleaned really well too!

Grove Co gave me an $1 price adjustment for this just for the asking (and sending them the link of the competing price)!


Radius – Natural Biodegradable Silk Floss

Radius – Natural Biodegradable Silk Floss

Need more floss. I got the unflavored one this time and I think its like strong for a floss. Like a heavy-duty floss. Totally not a wimpy floss (not that I came across a whimpy floss). For $3.99 it totally is more economical then the fancy dental floss that came in a past PopSugar box.

This is the floss you want to whip out for those stucky yuckies between your teeth. 

Arm & Hammer – Baking Soda

Arm & Hammer – Baking Soda

I needed a box of Baking Soda for the fridge. I usually had a big Mason jar of some bulk baking soda in it but guests would always tease and asked if it was my cocaine stash. So maybe I will use this and change out the Baking Soda every month. I could have gone to a big box store but did not want to pass and pay over $200 and forget to buy the Arm & Hammer Baking Soda.

Financial responsibility for me is to avoid big box stores. 


Grove Collaborative Subscription Box – February 2018


So one treat for me and some motivational needed stuff to make me clean for the next few days 😉

Grove Co = My monthly cleaning motivation. Because YouTube doesn’t do it for me. 

If you want to save $10 off your first Grove Co order, click here!

Do you need motivation to clean? Please share (or anything random) below!

***See all our Grove Collaborative reviews here***

Disclaimer: I bought all this stuff with clams. There are referral and affiliate links in this post.



  8 comments for “Grove Collaborative Subscription Box Review + Coupon – February 2018

  1. Heat7918
    February 17, 2018 at 10:12 am

    Oh no, poor adorable Squeakette! I can relate a little bit since I broke my foot recently attempting to run up my stairs…. Oy!

    Cocaine stash *giggles*

    Sorry I have not responded to your email about Handmaid’s Tale. Things have been crazy here with broken foot, worst cold ever & job search / interviews!

    • February 17, 2018 at 10:57 am

      Stairs and couches are very dangerous :/

      No worries and I look forward to your Handmaid’s Tale email when you get to it!

      Best wishes for quick recoveries and job search and interviews 🙂

      • Heat7918
        February 17, 2018 at 11:05 am

        Thanks Pnut!

        • February 17, 2018 at 7:16 pm

          I am hoping Nick stays on for Season 3. He is easier on the eyes. Maybe they will promote him and/or give him a wife to mix it up. I would also wish him a eyebrow wax but at least more emoting than the constant brooding.

  2. Ake
    February 22, 2018 at 7:52 pm

    Squeakette in leis is the best Squeakette picture yet!

    • February 22, 2018 at 10:07 pm

      Thanks Ake! 🙂

  3. February 28, 2018 at 10:38 pm

    Le sigh… this is my sub to get some day. I almost finally caved and got it, but when my roomies are here I hate cleaning because no one else cleans and I just get mad and don’t clean… it’s a bad circle. I did get sad though because I thought this was the box that got absorbed, but I think it was Mighty Fix.

    • March 1, 2018 at 2:08 pm

      Did Mighty Fix end? They always had a good code and I was thinking of signing up but kept passing. Grove Co is going strong they actually extended their line to include fancy soaps and they have their own branded concentrated cleaners. I need to mention stuff like that more often. I think Method or Meyers came out with a new mint scent and Grove Co had exclusive ability to preview/sell the new scent!

      I have quite a ton to say for my tiny roomies here 😉 Some of them just feel like I am doing it wrong and then work on “rearranging” as they see fit :/ These squeakers need to work on their interior decorating skills.

      Ugh I have an Grove Co order coming in soon because Pipsqueak’s birthday is coming up. I need to clean. Soon. I will wait for my order lol.

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