Taco Bout It Tuesday: Sunshine and Resolutions

It’s New Years Eve!


What time do you celebrate? My New Years Eve is always the NYC Ball Drop which is 11PM my time.


Do you have any resolutions? I always have them and only kept one (don’t eat food that is not worth the calories) but I always strive to get back on track if they fall on the waysides. Hopefully they become a habit.

My resolutions:

(1) Eat SLOWLY. I seriously inhale my food.

(2) Be Present but not so present I forget about noise. For example, sometimes I pay too much attention to a kid and/or cuteshow that I ignore a food related timer until I detect the slight burning smell before the fire detector goes off.

(3) Not “Hold It In”. This is advice I give to pregnant ladies and I am expanding it to everyone. I get too distracted at times and really need to put life on hold for one minute so I can pee.

(4) Drink more water especially drinking it first thing in the morning.


On behalf of the Subscriptionista and Pnut families, we wish you a very

Happy New Year!!!


Sunshine, Pnut, her huge purse, family and four leaf clover.


Squeak (second eldest Pnut assistant)


My purses are huge but not so huge to put a tiny human in, let alone two!

Squeakette is wearing a princess crown as she should.

Squeak is wearing a bow.



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