Sunday Morning Coffee Talk-Choose your own adventure subscription box

Top of the Mornin to ya! (I mean St Patty’s day is only 12 days away!!)

Ok so today’s post was inspired by the blog readers: Heat7918 and Artemis

Today or yesterday depending on when you read this, I posted a video of the Rachel Zoe Box of Style box and it sparked the conversation of personal style and box curators. So I started wondering, who are the people you admire dear readers? What are your personal styles?

So we are going to play a little game of choose your own subscription box!  C’mon most of us grew up in the eighties!!

Faith Ringgold: Women looking in a mirror
Faith Ringgold: Women looking in a mirror

Curator: You!

Now answer the following questions in the comments:

  1. Box Theme (makeup, fashion, fitness, home, lifestyle, jewelry, animals, food, cooking)
    It’s ok if your theme is out there…like ninja throwing stars or fancy peanut butter…….. we won’t judge
  2. Box Price (what is your box range that you personally are willing to spend)
    Are you a Birchboxer or a PSMH Neiman Marcus kinda gal??
  3. Number of Products per box
    Maybe you want to send a 1000 paper cranes every month or one lone yellow legal pad?!
  4. Three style words (like preppy, creepy or hippie)
    Or describe a vision board if 3 is to limiting!!
  5. Ok here is the biggie!!!!! What would your first box contain?!?!?!


Here is mine:

  1. Lifestyle (it gives you the option to send whatever)
  2. $40 and of course FREE SHIPPING
  3. Five-Because 5 was my soccer number growing up…..
  4. Sporty, Hippie and Fancy (cuz no one puts baby in the corner)
  5. Wait for it……….
    ok here goes:

    1. Fancy Hand Soap
      Because I just freaking love fancy soap. It would probably contain seabuckhorns that were harvested by fairies…….
    2. Tweezers (but like nice ones that come with their own pouch)
      I may be a hippie but stray chin hairs are not ok
    3. The Fudge sauce from my Boxwalla Food Subscription box review
      Because the world would be a much better place if we covered everything and everyone in that stuff
    4. Telephone Cord Hair Bands-
      These are big here in Hawaii-pictured below-they are amaze-ballls. Everyone should own them
    5. Coupon for Havaiana slippers (pick your own color and size)
      Because they are the best!!!!!!!!!! I have daily wear pairs and fancy pairs…… PicMonkey Collage

  24 comments for “Sunday Morning Coffee Talk-Choose your own adventure subscription box

  1. March 6, 2016 at 12:43 am

    I love your list!!! Great items and I definitely need to find those cute telephone cord hair things!! 🙂

    • mailbox junkie
      March 6, 2016 at 12:10 pm

      They are the best. Waterproof and indestructible!!

  2. March 6, 2016 at 1:56 am

    Wow this was fun and I took way too long to figure this out!

    ☆Box theme: Saturday Night In
    ☆Box price: $20 for just the project and treat, $40 for a drink, craft, treat, and an extra worth $60
    ☆Number of products: 4 product categories
    ☆Three style words: planted, dark, and fermented
    ☆First box:
    》Drink: a four pack of wine filled glasses [option of red or white]
    》Craft: a DIY terrarium kit [random square or circular vessel] with two air plants, tiny rocks, moss, and a project explanation / idea card
    》Treat: fair trade chocolate in a quirky flavor
    》Extra: Redbox free rental

    • March 6, 2016 at 8:10 am

      Oh this is interesting. It reminds me of when I see the deets of a new box and I am like nope not for me and then I seenthe spoilers and then I want the box!

    • March 6, 2016 at 8:29 am

      Mailbox Junkie I want to sign up for your box! You know I love Nest! I have been stalking Nordstroms but I think my ocean scented from Burke Box is discontinued 🙁 I love Havianas they are so comfortable and last forever! I think I have an unused clear telephone hair cord I squirreled when I find it I will send it to paradise I wish I could love especially that you told memits an Hawaii thing but I want my hair a little tighter than the hair cord allows. Anastasia tweezers are the best! I invested in one for my wedding and its still going strong. The second came with a brow kit I bought with BB points. I need to remember when I buy a chunkish fudgey sauce because I forget then get sad when I buy a jar and its not chunkish.

      My mind is thinking really hard maybe too hard on a create your box! Although based on your recent video review of Zoe, I want a sturdy magnetized box! I am digressing but I am dreaming how I am going to configure my Zoe box to house my everyday makeup needs 🙂

      • mailbox junkie
        March 6, 2016 at 9:05 am

        I got the lemongrass scent in my Burke box and seriously savored every pump…. I was so sad when it was all gone because I knew I would never buy it full price!!

        • March 6, 2016 at 9:53 am

          The Nest soap was the inspiration for my Sparking Joy series! I didn’t finnish my thought for mentioning Nordies. I have their credit card and when you spend an bit of money they send $20 gift cards so I am saving up to buy a Nest liquid soap and Alterna caviar shampoo simce I can’t stmach payimg retail either!

    • mailbox junkie
      March 6, 2016 at 9:09 am

      I love the price options and the terrarium!! Hear that box goats?!?! Send terrarium kits!!

  3. March 6, 2016 at 9:07 am

    Hm. I would do a workplace survival technically lifestyle maybe?
    Price would be $ 40 with free shipping and I say, 6 products.
    Style words – smart – fun – survival

    Item 1 – a decadant treat. Maybe a toblerone or a bag of chocolate covered caramel popcorn or a giant blondie with big huge chocolate chips in it. or a tub of chocolate frosting. whatever. You get the idea.

    Item 2 – a cute office supply. A kickass box of dog bone paperclips or a pretty desk organizer or a kitty cat post it note holder.

    Item 3 – nice lotion/lip balm since the air is so fricking dry.

    Item 4 – a candle to burn late at night when you are the only one left in the office and you are free to flaunt the safety code since NO ONE ELSE WORKS AT 10:30 on Thursday night. It will calm you down. and help you think of $5 words for your email.

    Item 5 – A book with wise sayings in it. Or how to make awesome presentations. or how to close the sale. or funny stories by kickass businesswomen.

    Item 6 – a tech gadget. like a cool mouse or a cute usb drive or a bamboo keyboard or a cool laptop case.

    • mailbox junkie
      March 6, 2016 at 12:05 pm

      Oooo I love where this one is headed… I really want a super luxe tape dispenser.. I have no clue why but I saw one online that looked like glass and it was so pretty!!!
      Or what about super luxe air fresher for when you have to share the one stall bathroom…..

  4. Artemis
    March 6, 2016 at 11:11 am

    Oh how fun! And thanks for the shoutout!

    Mailbox Junkie, your box is awesome! Onderria, love yours too but I would skip the craft and go straight for the booze.

    I would do a box inspired by the various places I have visited or lived. I always try to find local artists that make one of a kind pieces. I can’t do that for a box, but I would reach out to my favorites and work with them on some items that they could make to scale. My first box would be from Santorini, which is my favorite place on earth. It would be $100 and contain the following:

    1) A piece of jewelry from an artist that I liked that makes jewelry inspired by the volcanic eruption that created modern day Santorini.

    2) Several artists work with Morano glass to make many beautiful decor items. I would try to work with one of them to make some kind of decorative dish or coaster set (I know I know! But the ones I got are gorgeous!).

    3) There is an artist that makes paintings inspired by Cycladian sculptures. It may be too pricy to get an actual painting, but maybe a print?

    4) I’d love to do a wine. Santorini has a unique way of “watering” the grapes. It doesn’t really rain there, so they have the grape vines on the cliff part of the island and the fog waters the grapes. My favorite is Nykteri White. However, I know you can’t ship wine to certain states, so maybe I would do a spread made with Santorini tomatoes and capers. Trust me: yumm

    It would be a spendy box, but I’m a quality over quantity person. I would probably also include information about other artists that I like that are $$$$$ in case someone wants to splurge on their own one day.

    • March 6, 2016 at 12:01 pm

      Artemis that sounds amazing! My boyfriend really wants to go to Greece because his parents loved it, and after looking at pictures now I want to go to Santorini too. Ok yeah he just confirmed that it was his parents’ favorite vacation, they just didn’t like all the stairs 🙂

      • Artemis
        March 6, 2016 at 5:33 pm

        You must go! You must! I want to go back, but I’ll have to wait until the little ones are bigger. Or maybe I could just drop them off at Grandma’s?

    • mailbox junkie
      March 6, 2016 at 12:08 pm

      I am pretty sure you need to make this box. I would sign up today. Tomato caper spread and jewelry inspired by volcanic erruptions?!?! Ah-mazing. You could get this going on kickstarter!!!

    • March 6, 2016 at 1:33 pm

      Love murano glassware. I want all our boxes!!!

    • March 6, 2016 at 3:41 pm

      yum. this looks great and I’d totally subscribe.

  5. Heat7918
    March 6, 2016 at 1:22 pm

    Everyone’s boxes sound amazing! I would buy them all!

    Mailbox Junkie – so are Havaina Slippers just flip flops?? They look fun and I love flip flops!

    Onderria – Like Artemis, I would go straight to the wine! And chocolate and the movie… and I’d do the craft eventually – I actually really like your craft idea better than most crafts I’ve seen since I’m not good at those sorts of things.

    Maraschino5 – Yes, yes yes!

    Artemis – That sounds amazing! (Don’t laugh – I had to look up where Santorini is located.) But I’ve never bought a $100 box… i don’t think I’ve ever paid $40? I got one FabFitFun but had a $20 coupon. And the Birchbox LE box was 40% off plus I had a few points. Unless you count Home Chef but that’s part of the grocery budget. 🙂

    So, naturally, my box would be cheap-ish. $20-$25? Although that may be unrealistic for I’d want to put in it! I guess it would be a Beauty / Lifestyle box. Style words? Fun, useful, easy.

    1. Micellar Water – can’t get enough of this stuff
    2. Face serum – we tend to get plenty of cleansers and moisturizers but not enough serums!
    3. Young Adult Book – a fun, quick, interesting read
    4. Socks – maybe Bombas or a fun, thick knee-high (winter)
    5. Candle – preferably Eucalyptus Spearmint scent
    6. Sheet mask or under-eye pads
    7. Bonus item – sample of Coochy Cream! No more razor burn / bumps.
    8. 2nd bonus item – small chocolate treats – maybe a couple of Lindor Lindtt truffles or a squares of Ghiradelli

    (I’m sure I’ll think of more once I hit “Post Comment”.)

    • Onderria
      March 6, 2016 at 1:30 pm

      I will be your first subscriber Heat!!!

    • March 6, 2016 at 1:31 pm

      Coochy cream makes a comeback! Bahahahahahahahaha

    • March 6, 2016 at 3:40 pm

      Oooh I like this one. I like having a great book that doesn’t take long to read and socks + chocolate + a candle is my idea of a perfect evening.

    • Mailbox Junkie
      March 6, 2016 at 3:42 pm

      I think you could literally send these items to me every month and I would be stoked. Like a home run box that always has a variation on serums, socks, candle, treats and face mask.
      Yes so in Hawaii we call flip flops slippers. And havaianas are my absolute fav. They are a little pricey-$20-25 per pair but if you watch amazon or religiously shop Ross and tjmax you can get them for cheaper. They have thin straps and the rubber sole is super soft so they mold to your foot. I recommend sizing to where they are almost to small (like you heel is almost hanging off because they give a lot with wear)

  6. March 7, 2016 at 11:03 pm

    Ok, I’ve been thinking for several hours. My box would be quarterly. It would be a lifestyle box and cost about 125$ (Shipping included). The theme would be Country, Cooking and Shopping. I would have 4 items plus a few bonus items.
    1. The hero item would be a gift card for a year of FREE Amazon Prime. I love fast, free shipping.
    2. A really nice omelet pan. Just because I don’t have one and I’m too cheap to buy one.
    3. Boot Candy- I wear cowboy boots at least 5 days a week year round. We always get jewelry. Boot Candy is jewelry for your boots! And they work for fashion boots too. Kind of like a bracelet for your boots.
    4. The beauty item would be Baby Foot or a similar product. I’ve been reading reviews and I’m fascinated with it.
    The bonus items would be a pack of those QTip thingies filled with makeup remover. Because when I try to do a winged cat eye, it usually looks like I did it after several shots of Crown Royal. And the final bonus is weird. But useful when you live a ways out from everything. A few packs of those little disposable urinals. I think they’re called Pee-Wee Disposable Urinals. Not only are they perfect for the boat, but if you have little ones in the car, you know that they ALWAYS have to stop when there is nothing around. These are perfect for both lil boys and girls. So, although I laughed when I first saw them, they have saved my leather car seats on more than one occasion when traveling with my grandkids!

    • March 8, 2016 at 3:11 pm

      Omg I love your box. A year of amazon prime is an amazing hero item. Amazon prime is the best thing to happen to Hawaii residents!!

    • March 8, 2016 at 4:03 pm

      I would totally get your box lol You had me at PRime!

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