Home Chef Spaghetti with Burrata Cheese Review + Coupon – July 2016

Subscription: Home Chef


Starts at $9.99 per serving (minimum 2 servings).

Majority of selections are $9.99 per servings, some upgrades are a little more (i.e., $14.99 per serving). The smoothies and fruits offerings are a lower price-point per serving.

There are typically 10 serving selections per week (entrees, breakfast, smoothie, appetizer, fruit) and you can select the number of servings for each selection (2, 4 or 6 servings)

Click HERE to get $30 off your first week and give me $30 off my next week so I can continue to review this subscription (PS forget about that recent code out there you will get $10 off your second order there will be that banner once you sign up … they do that so you don’t cancel)!

What You’re Getting:

Organic, sustainable, and local produce whenever possible.

Home Chef is in Chicago where I am so my box does not travel far and I am supporting local businesses!

Kick Back and Get Comfortable:

When we recently traveled to visit my mother we stopped at a family friend’s home to stay the night. She decided to make a late night snack and it was a matter of seconds when I realized instantly that she had a Home Chef subscription! I asked her whether I can take pictures for the blog and she obliged!

This is a recipe review of

Spaghetti with Burrata Cheese

Here is the front of the recipe card!





Here is the goodies all packaged and getting prepped for the above recipe.



My friend has a gorgeous Viking kitchen and I am in love with it! Especially the fact that the water boils lightning fast!

I may not be a viking but maybe one day my kitchen will be one!


*Excited over boiling water*


In goes the pasta!



Chopped up the garlic and tomatoes.



Tossed the tomatoes in the pan.


Sautéing goodness being made!








Adding the spinnach to wilt…




Now the cooked pasta will mingle with a bit of pasta water.




Sings off-key “Pinenuts toasting on an open flame…”


*makes a note to buy some pine nuts at Trader Joes*



And VOILA!!!


This was what the Home Chef Recipe yielded with some leftover burrata cheese kept for a snack later!


We put a piece of burrata to top each plate! I first thought that burrata was just a fancy word for mozzarella ball but the actual shell of the burrata is mozzarella. When you open the burrata, luscious pieces of mozzarella and cream slowly emerge out awaiting to be nommed. If you enjoy breaking egg yolks, then breaking burrata cheese may also spark joy!

Who says we broke bread together when breaking egg yolks and/or burrata cheese should be the new thing!




So it was re-confirmed! The Home Chef’s pasta meals give the most leftovers! I also discovered the goodness that is burrata and will look out for it to re-create this dish! I should be getting tons of tomatoes and even though I have no spinach left in my garden, I can substitute other greens. I would have not discovered this vegetarian dish if it was not for my friend and Home Chef!

***See Our Home Chef Reviews Here***

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Disclaimer: This was a friend’s Home Chef recipe/order. There are referral links to this post.

  6 comments for “Home Chef Spaghetti with Burrata Cheese Review + Coupon – July 2016

  1. July 29, 2016 at 10:20 am

    OMG THIS LOOKS SO GOOD!!!! Wow Pnut!!!!!!

    • July 30, 2016 at 8:49 am

      Thanks Subista I knew you would like it! And it was very nommy!

  2. July 29, 2016 at 10:51 am

    I second that motion!!! I WANT SOME!

    • July 30, 2016 at 8:50 am

      Could you make some now? The cherry tomatoes in my garden have started to ripen by the ton! We are getting more tomatoes than zuchs!

      • July 30, 2016 at 11:37 am

        Mmmmm. My tomatoes are still small and green. I have one red and one green pepper though.

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