Target Clean Care Box Review – July 2016

Subscription: Target Beauty Box

Cost: Under $10 per month [not a rebilling subscription], free shipping

What to Expect: “Each month, our team of beauty experts will carefully select the products to send, and you’ll receive your beautiful box with 5 products to discover and enjoy. We strive to feature a product from a Black-owned business in each box.”


Target Beauty Boxes seem to come out every month in a time frame that is as mystical and hard to pin down, like getting a good parking spot. It is not a subscription but it does seem to come out each month. You just have to be fast enough to get in on the deal when it posts! This box costs $5, $7, or $10 and includes shipping. They also usually have a coupon with $3 off of $15 for beauty products.

Target Clean Care Box 2016

I believe this box was $5, which at that price how can you not buy one? I mean, you’re basically getting paid to get these items.

I do math good. Just not good punctuality… July? what?


bath pouf

Bath Poof [pouf?]: $2

I love bath poouoofs and am glad to get a new one! I usually wait till my current one unravels before I buy a new one, which is like 3-6 months.

Do most people laugh whilst they lather?? Seems like a misleading slogan… or else I’m bathing wrong.

skinfix lotion

SkinFix Ultra Rich Hand Cream: $10 for 3oz

This full size lotion more than paid for the box! I recall opening it and liking the texture, but it seems to have disappeared… probably into my bin of samplery.

Kleenex tissues

Kleenex Tissues

This is a nice little 10 packet of tissues, perfect for your car or purse!

Which is awesome, because I always forget to buy car tissues and so the right side of my driver’s side seat is pink and sparkly beige from makeup.

face cleansing wipe

Kleenex Facial Cleansing Wipe: $10 for 25

These were ridiculously thick! I felt like a wasteful waster for using this once and throwing it away…

I have trash abandonment issues, also known as trash hoarding…

skinfix lip

SkinFix Lip Balm: $5 for 0.35 oz

Another items I recall trying, probably stuck in a purse, and now cannot find! Grr.

I could really use another 32 purse chapsticks.

bum wipes cottonelle

Cottonelle Fresh Care WipesI believe these are usually $1-2, and are in the travel section

We usually buy Cottonelle bum wipes for the house. I live with two dudes and I’m pretty sure they just use them like TP because they disappear quickly…

cottonelle toilet paper

Cottonelle Toilet Paper: $11 for a 36 pack

I usually don’t notice much difference in TPs unless it leaves bits behind or has a particularly nice design. Anyway, back to the two dudes I live with… they blast through the TP like nobody’s business, and the one that I’m not in love with never puts a new roll on. So, I’ve instituted an “I’m not buying TP till you jerks wise up” policy!

But also because SERIOUSLY wtf are they doing with the TP?? I have my suspicions they just insert the end of the roll into the toilet and flush till the roll is gone…

Target Clean Care Box 2016

I was taking pictures on the front step and found Bella eyeing the great outdoors. She was momentarily interested in the toilet paper, but was not amused by my use of it as a telescope to see her scowling face.

bella and the coupons

Coupons! I might actually use these, and they don’t expire till the end of September, which is right around the corner!

Bella is thinking, “I’ll sniff your stupid coupons, mommy, but once you blink I’m OUT!” Though she escaped last week under McBoyfriend’s watch, and he found her laying down in the front yard! Goood kitty!!! 


Verdict: I continue to love Target Beauty Box! This box had a value of $20ish, which is amazing. The September box looks pretty good! Pnut is our alert for when it goes on sale [I don’t think that amazing human sleeps!].

Are you getting the September box? Did you see anything in this box that you like, want to try, or just loathe? Let us know!

Target Clean Care Box 2016


Click here to see other Target Beauty Box reviews!

Disclosure: This box was purchased by me. There are no referral links. 

  7 comments for “Target Clean Care Box Review – July 2016

  1. Artemis
    August 29, 2016 at 9:53 am

    Wow I totally missed this one or I would have bought it. It’s great! I didn’t pick up this month’s box. Nothing tempted me.

    • August 29, 2016 at 5:46 pm

      You mean you don’t need more mascara or Laneige?

      • Artemis
        August 30, 2016 at 1:19 pm

        Hahaha. Do any of us?

  2. badkitty
    August 30, 2016 at 9:43 am

    I bought two and actually brought the TP into work in one of the boxes just because housekeeping is not always the best at bringing us a new roll in time…

    • August 30, 2016 at 11:16 pm

      Yuck. Tell them to step it up! I text my roomie to buy TP or suffer the consequences [of no TP].

  3. August 30, 2016 at 12:31 pm

    Heh… I missed that ladt sentance. And that is why I usually read posts twice lol

    • August 30, 2016 at 2:37 pm

      I look at every post, but I feel like you quiz me by sneaking my name in haha! So I snuck yours in

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