Beauty Fix Subscription Box Review – May 2015

I think I am falling for Beauty Fix in a weird way. Like one of those guys who is not hot at first but grows on you to the point that you sort of huff him when you hug. Maybe less creepy but I think you get my feeling. Beauty Fix is by Dermstore, and runs about $27 a month. It seems to be more on the skin products side of the universe.

I was nervous when Blush box turned into Beauty Fix because I was afraid it would not be as good. I think it is actually better! I actually get excited to open the box because it is always full with so many different products to try that are innovative.


Beauty Fix!
Beauty Fix!


The box!


Neostrata - Skin Active Perfecting Peel
Neostrata – Skin Active Perfecting Peel


Neostrata – Skin Active Perfecting PeelI was looking forward to getting my peel on but my sister has already laid claim on it. She is pretty grabby hands huh? First you put the peel pad on and wait, then you use the neutralizer pad and rinse. I am one of those people who tend to lose everything by absentmindedly setting this or that down. It would be a REAL shame to lose track of the neutralizing pad am I right?

How long would this take to peel an orange?


SmartFX - Smartbrow In Blonde & Brunette
SmartFX – Smartbrow In Blonde & Brunette



SmartFX – Smartbrow In Blonde & Brunette: All these brow products are really sending me a message about the sparse and dire situation of my own brows. I will never feel comfortable looking in the mirror and seeing bold brows staring back at me. I would like to have them look more arched, stay in place, and be more even. My eyebrows are sisters not twins, and I am having a hard time accepting that. How cool is it that they sent two colors out to every subscriber?!? YaY!

I was super confused when I first cracked this open because it looked like there were a ton of steps to putting this product on. Turns out one bottle was a cleaner to wash off the brow make up. Smart Brow indeed!

Do you think they include the cleaner to use at night because bold brows TOTALLY freak out the Tooth Fairy and Sandman? 


Harry Josh  Pro Tools - Carbon Tail Comb
Harry Josh Pro Tools – Carbon Tail Comb



Harry Josh  Pro Tools – Carbon Tail Comb: I really needed this comb. I have nothing like it and the absence of this brush in one of the many reasons why my hair looks like crap all of the time. This little tool will help with detailed work or getting rid of the tangle that doesn’t understand the words ‘go away.” Or at least not in the way you would like the tangle to.

I am going to see if this will help me style my kitties hair for a more boho glam look…


Blowout Beauty - Anti-Frizz Volume Boost Treatment Oil
Blowout Beauty – Anti-Frizz Volume Boost Treatment Oil



Blowout Beauty – Anti-Frizz Volume Boost Treatment OilHonestly I have so much beauty oils from the different boxes now I am thinking about making my condo a little Dubai. I couldn’t help but crack this open for a sniff and a try. It smells really good, sort of fresh and not too heavy. I like that it doesn’t weigh my thin hair down. The dropper makes me feel like a chemist who is really into good hair.

Contains avocado oil so it is perfect for Taco Tuesday!



Peter Thomas Roth - Anti-Aging Defense Sunscreen Stick SPF 50
Peter Thomas Roth – Anti-Aging Defense Sunscreen Stick SPF 50


Peter Thomas Roth – Anti-Aging Defense Sunscreen Stick SPF 50Sunscreen sticks are so awesome! I keep on in my purse to apply to my big ole shnozz when out and about because I have started to see that it is getting age spot/freckles where once there was none. I love this brand and was super excited to get to try it out because it doesn’t run my face super white.

Walk softly and carry a big stick… of sunscreen!


Citrix - Deluxe Vitamin C Pro-Collagen Brightening Serum
Citrix – Deluxe Vitamin C Pro-Collagen Brightening Serum


Citrix – Deluxe Vitamin C Pro-Collagen Brightening SerumI will likely need to go through the whole sample before I see if this makes any difference in my skin. It does pack a punch of different ingredients that should provide a brighter complexion. Now if only I could find something that gave me a brighter brain!

This product contains Bearberry which makes me wonder how they were able to get them from those bears!


Dr. Brandt - Deluxe Needles No More
Dr. Brandt – Deluxe Needles No More


Dr. Brandt – Deluxe Needles No MoreI am looking forward to giving this a try. I have tried botox and loved it. I swear if you don’t get a ton you look normal and just a bit more “fresh.” I have not done it in a long time because I have been putting my money toward other things. Plus I have to give myself weekly injections and I am over needels lol. While I have no tried it, I seriously doubt that this will reach botox heights.

Finally a product to do a highly subjective test and document it for you!


Yon-ka Samples
Yon-ka Samples


Yon-ka Samples: These samples are pretty small and unless they are life changing it is doubtful  they have enough product to really test out. However it is always nice to be given a few extras!


Group Shot
Group Shot



Verdict: I think the value in Beauty Fix boxes is outstanding. I have been very happy each time  it has come through the door and while not every product as been something I loved, more often then not I come across items I am actually excited about trying out. They have a great mix of full size and sample products.


This post contains some affiliate links. I have not been paid by anyone to review anything. I paid for the box on my own, and will always give my true and honest opinions of products. I have included affiliate links in an attempt to hopefully cover the cost of hosting this blog and will disclose each month how much was made and what it went toward. This is because I want everyone reading this to be assured that I am as upfront as possible. 



  28 comments for “Beauty Fix Subscription Box Review – May 2015

  1. PA Anna
    May 31, 2015 at 7:25 pm

    Am I the only one not doing Botox? I’m too scared of the warnings to try it.

    I tried Blush about this time last year and loved it. I became overwhelmed with products quickly and unsubscribed. I may resubscribe to BeautyFix if I like the spoiler. The boxes have been great. I received the comb in a DermStore hair bag. I still haven’t used it.

    LOL on the Bearberry. Everytime I see Taco Tuesday I think of the Lego Movie. Are you going to write a post about your eyebrows and all the May eyebrow products? There’s lots of good material!

    My English Shepherd approves of this post. She is lying next to me enjoying her vacay before heading back to work on the farm. She’s a good girl.

    • Subscriptionista
      May 31, 2015 at 7:38 pm

      I mean injections should not be taken lightly but it really does wonders to smooth things out. I think people make the mistake by getting too much of it. I also strongly suggest going to an actual Dr. and not a spa to get it done. I like to go to Ophthalmologists because they really have a good grasp of the muscles in the eye and where to apply. I have had it done by nurses though and have been happy. I just think you take more of a risk. You can get dropping and things like that. I don’t want to make it seem like there is no risk. If you get it then only get it between the brows the first time so less than 30 units to see if it works out. Most ill effects are temporary but there are cases that are pretty bad.

      LoL I have not looked at the spoiler yet on account on my hangover… I am moving slow. I am going to use the comb a lot to help me dye my own roots. Sometimes it is touch to get every root part and I end up looking spotty.

      I am planning on writing some very fun reviews and hopefully take you guys along with me somewhere. I had big plans to get more done by this time today. hahaha Oh well. Maybe I will crack open some white wine and get the train rolling so to speak.

      I am so jelly you have a shep. They are pretty smart though, so I am pretty sure I would get tricked all the time. I also lack energy for one. I still am jelly, I BET she has the cutest little ears that are super soft at the tips. I looked up some pics of the breed and approve of the coloring!

      • PA Anna
        May 31, 2015 at 8:06 pm

        Rambling of a Suburban Mom is going to post her pre and post Botox pictures. It’s strange to hear so much about it on sub boxes in the past couple of days. Maybe the universe is telling me I am old. I would be scared to do it with my eye disease or even if I didn’t have it. I am going to age ungracefully. I forgot to ask if you were the Elle asking about my eye disease. I didn’t want to post all the details on a public blog.

        I don’t know if there is a spoiler up yet. You’ve been busy despite the hangover. I noticed the changes on the blog and new commenters! Yea!

        My shep is a sweetie unless you are the postman or UPS man. Then she feels it is her duty to protect her home. She’s a little different on the farm when working because we do have human trespassers. She has an off button which allows her to be content as a family dog and then switch to work dog. One time she was in the farmhouse being a family dog when all the sudden her ears went up. She barked like crazy so I let her out. I didn’t have a chance to see what was going on because I knew she would take care of it and I needed to get my boots on. By the time I had my boots on, she had our little piggies turned around and herded back to their pasture. They broke through one part of the fence. We mended the fence, came back in, and she was back to being a family dog. I think she was only 6 months old at the time. Great instincts.

        This is why I use lots of sunscreen in my summertime. I need it on my country property or I would be burnt to a crisp. LOL about it being reef safe. Is there such a thing? I’m sure it is.

        • Subscriptionista
          May 31, 2015 at 9:48 pm

          I was the Elle, but please don’t let me pry!

          The universe is not telling you that you are old! I tried botox AGES ago. Now I actually need it. It has started to become a lot cheaper per unit and I think now it is easier for people to afford. I mean it isn’t cheap but a lot of places are offering it at $8 a unit, when before it was upwards of $15. Most people get more than 30 units (that should cover 11’s, crows feet, lines on forehead MAYBE the mini brow lift).

          I get so excited when you all comment. It feels so lonely sometimes just writing and posting. I finally installed google analytics just to see if anyone but you, shauna, Nana, and a couple other people who have commented, read my blog. I feel like I am writing to you guys every time I post anything. I DID have some fan girl moments when two other bloggers I have read for a long time commented on my page!

          Your doggie sounds like such a hard worker! My cat would totally just be lazy and talk around the water cooler about Game of Thrones are UFC fighting.

          I don’t even know what Reef safe is supposed to mean. I really don’t know what makes one thing safe and the other not. I do however like to say random things to people so it will provide me that opportunity!

          Oh and as an aside, I doubt she will see much difference from having botox before and after. It doesn’t really fill in lines, it just stops you from making them. When people over use it their faces get waxy looking but it takes a ton to make that happen!

          • PA Anna
            May 31, 2015 at 10:42 pm

            Wow, My grammar is poor. The whole thing makes me emotional.

          • Subscriptionista
            May 31, 2015 at 11:31 pm

            I will keep it private! I have the same thing you do! But mine is not that bad at all. I have all three types. I hate that people always wonder why my eyes are red.

            I have bad grammar even when in a calm state! 😉

          • PA Anna
            May 31, 2015 at 11:09 pm

            I’m going to need my lavender tomorrow! I don’t know why my eye problem winds me up, but it does. It was rough Thurs- Sat with my sister. I need to do those yoga dvds again from the AH box.

          • Subscriptionista
            May 31, 2015 at 11:31 pm

            I did a little work out today. It actually does help. Do does this beer… 😉

    • Kelly
      May 31, 2015 at 11:29 pm

      I’m 53, never done botox, and I live In LA. I wear sunblock all the time,take care of my skin, (yeah Benedetta skin care, and clarisonic!), and as my vision fades, I’m fine.

      • Subscriptionista
        May 31, 2015 at 11:34 pm

        I snorted out loud at the vision thing!!! I didn’t really take care of my skin while younger and I liked to tan. I really wish I would have listened to all those magazines.

        • Kelly
          May 31, 2015 at 11:49 pm

          It’s not too late to take care of your skin. I loved to tan and had skin cancer 25 years ago, it’s a wakeup call. Pale is always in.

          • Subscriptionista
            May 31, 2015 at 11:54 pm

            Wow that would be a wake up call. I am glad that you are ok, and I think I will embrace my paleness now. It is just too bad I have a really pink undertone.

          • PA Anna
            June 1, 2015 at 3:53 am

            I’m glad that you are OK, Kelly. that must had been scary. The vision thing gave me a laugh. I need to check into the Benedetta Skin care more. I see they have product for inflammation and redness. I bought a Clarisonic Mia (? the small one) with my BirchBox points and haven’t used it yet.

            I want to write more, but the little one is back up.

    • nana
      June 8, 2015 at 4:02 am

      PA Anna, I think you mentioned before that you suffered from rosacea. I do (did?) too, but I’ve now gotten it under control. Unfortunately, I’m not sure what exactly did it as I went from using nothing on my skin to using 9 products (what else to do with all the stuff I get from DermStore?), but it may also be because I started taking ibuprofen daily. Rosacea is caused by inflammation on your face, and ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory, so that could be it. Just thought I’d mention it.

      • PA Anna
        June 12, 2015 at 3:31 am

        Hi NaNa,

        Thanks! Inflammation does have a part in it. I have a big problem with inflammaton and don’t know why. Right now you can’t tell I have it except for the broken capillaries, but it will sneak up on me if I am not careful. The Pelle Beauty Luxe Beauty Oil works wonders on my face.

        I like to be rid of the inflammation once and for all. I tried many things, but haven’t found the trick yet. I can’t take ibuprofen because I get rebound headaches. Let me know if you find something else that works. My whole body is full of inflammation which is creating problems as I grow older.

  2. Kelly
    June 1, 2015 at 12:03 am

    Aww, thank you, all good now with the dermis. Pink undertones are the best, cool and vivid make up colors look amazing on you.

    • Subscriptionista
      June 1, 2015 at 12:25 am

      I wish green looked better. I like to wear purple a lot. Reminds me in grade school when I told my mom that every color looked great on me. I had WAY too much confidence!

  3. CiCi
    June 2, 2015 at 1:33 am

    I read your comments about how you feel writing your blog. And I just wanted to let you know I LOVE your blog so much. Each time I read it I have this stupid, silly grin on my face and/or I am laughing out loud at how witty, clever you are!! Thank you – I think you have helped to answer the age-old question of if a blogger writes in a forest and nobody else is around….

    • Subscriptionista
      June 2, 2015 at 1:46 am

      AWWWWWW you just made my whole freakin day!!! I just read your comment to my cat to brag to her. I think I MIGHT be getting a little more respect around here! Thanks again so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Chrissy Shick
    June 3, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    I’m 26 and I’ve always been curious about botox. But everyone always thinks I’m 20 years old (people call it a blessing…not so much when you’re getting carded in a group of people who never do.)

    Once I was dating a total douchelord who happened to be 10 years older than me. After we had a nasty break up, he said he would miss my perfect skin on my face the most. Like, really? That’s what you’d miss? Then I realized he was only dating me to make him feel younger. He always used to touch my face and comment about how I have no wrinkles and it wasn’t fair. Gross.

    BTDUBS. Your blog is awesome! I love how authentic it is. 😀

    • Subscriptionista
      June 3, 2015 at 6:28 pm

      Awww thanks for reading!

      Omg enjoy being young. There are some awesome things about getting older. The best for me is getting more comfortable and accepting of myself. Which makes me calmer. Still, it’s not like I’m being carded… I miss those days sometimes.

      I’m so tired of youth vampires trying to mettle in with the youngs. That guy gets a super no bueno from me and it grinds my gears when guys act so gross. He was way too old to be trying to pick up some of your youth.

      Though your comment made me feel like I was there! Accept in my vision you kick him.

      I hope he at least got you nice stuff haha

      Wear sunscreen! Stay out of the sun! Don’t mess with Botox until you get wrinkles. Some people build up a resistance to it, so best to save it for when you need it.

    • June 5, 2015 at 4:18 pm

      Omg, that guy is totally douchelord but your comments made me laugh. I’ve always looked younger than I really am (but seriously, who wants to be thought they’re 14 when they’re 22? No one.) It’s better now that I’m almost 40 and no one believes me, though. 😀

      • nana
        June 8, 2015 at 2:03 am

        I had it good for a while. When I was a teen people thought I was older, I could pass for 21 at 16. But starting in my 20’s people started thinking I was younger. I last got carded when I was 35. Unfortunately, after that I started walking a lot, not putting enough sunscreen and my face has paid for it big time. I now look my age. I don’t mind too much, though.

  5. June 5, 2015 at 4:21 pm

    I’ve been considering Botox just for my 11’s. They’re hereditary and AWFUL. I know just what they’ll look like when I’m older because my dad and grandma have them. I don’t want to look mean all the time. But the whole maintenance thing will get me. I’m so lazy when it comes to things like that. If I do it, I’ll definitely do a before and after… and after. Once it settles down. One of my friends just did it and her forehead was shiny and oddly glowing. I don’t want that.

    As for the box! I love it. It’s more like the old Blush was before it went all awful and full of hair stuff and repeats. I don’t expect it to be completely different because dermstore and blush are basically the same company but I think this box is great for almost old people like me. 😉

    Isn’t that stick weird? I thought it was a stick and then it wasn’t a stick at all! And it’s strangely yellow. Which I don’t mind. It’s a nice sunscreen.

    • Subscriptionista
      June 5, 2015 at 6:10 pm

      It is weird! It felt like a stick but once opened… I like all the skin care stuff.mi use the face oil they sent and it works so well at getting my eye make up off! It’s the best!

      I have 11s as well. Why out of all my muscles are my eyebrows the strongest???

      Yeah you don’t want plastic looking skin. But I’ve honestly been pleased with Botox in the past. It does take up keep. I am awful at that too. I’m typing this with the most chipped nails. I ought to be ashamed of myself!

      • PA Anna
        June 12, 2015 at 3:59 am

        The stick isn’t a stick?

        This blog has made me inspect my body in various places. I had to look up 11s on Google and then check to see if I have them. I don’t see them yet.

        • Subscriptionista
          June 12, 2015 at 4:20 am

          You’re lucky! I am getting them bad!!!

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