When One Thing Leads To Another – boygirlparty Order January 2016

Coupon from: OwlCrate

Coupon for: 10% off a boygirlparty order

My purchase: $50 for a mystery pack of slightly damaged items worth $100

Do you use coupons you get in sub boxes? I usually want to, but get around to it right about after they expire, like with the Tiny Prints coupon Subista wrote about last month! I made sure to use one coupon, however!

box coupons

When I first moved to Seattle, I found a boygirlparty Treetops Journal/Owl Diary in a bookshop [I thought it was a box store, but it may have been a boutique], and I see boygirlparty stuff around Seattle shops [even the Made in WA store for some reason]. So, when I saw that OwlCrate was including something in the December box, I was jazzed! I love my little octopus + books to do list, but my boyfriend also really liked it so I kept the fox to-do list that came in this box and gave him the octopus one. We’ll see if he uses it.

I thought she was a popular artist because to me I see her items often, so I was surprised and happy to see a bit in her newsletter about it:

Octopus To-Do List in the December Owl Crate was just about the most fun way to end the year as possible. My notepad was gifted as part of this mysterious and fun subscription box, and I just felt like it was one of the coolest things to ever happen in my career! So, if you found me through Owl Crate: welcome! (and don’t forget to use your coupon before the end of the month!)

And if you don’t know what OwlCrate is, visit them online at http://owlcrate.com! – really cool people who made a big difference in my life.

Perhaps she’s primarily in places on the west coast?? At either rate, one thing lead to another and I used my OwlCrate coupon to purchase a boygirlparty Mystery Pack!


Mystery Pack: Calling all bargain hunters! I’m obsessive about quality control when it comes to the products I make and sell so I’ve got a shelf of stationery and gifts that I’ve deemed misfit toys not good enough to send out into the world! Don’t mind a red dot on a proverbial sleeve? Purchase this listing and I’ll send you a random assortment of slightly flawed stationery and gifts valued at *at least* $100 (so at minimum 50% off!) T-shirts are generally not available but if I have one in your size to send please indicate the size below.


How could I say no???

Mystery Pack Contents



Verdict: At first I was a little bummed because I requested A. no baby stuff B. stationery items and C. the dropdown menu option of original art if available. Fortunately there was no baby stuff, and that was my biggest one. But there was only one stationery item, and the original art would have been cool but it does say “if available”.

However, then I was like, IT’S A MYSTERY BOX!! and look at all the cool stuff I have to send to my penpals! Two of my penpals are college friends, both writers, so they will each get a journal and a notepad. Then there are my subsistas who also love woodland creatures, so I might sneak them some papery woodland treats for their desks and bebbies!

I am actually quite happy with this order because uh duh, it’s all awesome boygirlparty stuff!! Plus, Susie Ghahremani replied to my email and ended up sending me a new owl planner exactly like what I had! I muted the sound in the video because I’m just going “AAHHH!! OOOHHH!!! Oh my gosh!! CUUUUTEEEEE!” the whole time, but I was touched one was in there.

As for price, with 10% off my box was $45, but shipping was $7.20 for a total of $52.20. As for the $100+ worth of items, I totaled up $117! Pretty awesome and SOOOO worth it.  #wouldbuyagain

Now to write my memoirs on adorable woodland paper. 


To see more from subscription box site orders, click here!


Disclosure: There are no referral or affiliate links. I paid for this with my own money. 

  4 comments for “When One Thing Leads To Another – boygirlparty Order January 2016

  1. February 3, 2016 at 2:42 pm

    I think my love of woodland creatures came from Animaniacs? Pipsqueak was watching this randomly on Netflix or Amazon Prime those services are getting fuzzy (as long as its not YouTubeKids anymore lol)! I could have swore that was where the quote “Hello my little woodland creatures!” came from…

    • February 3, 2016 at 2:58 pm

      Hah, I used to love Animaniacs! I dressed up as Dot several years ago for a Steven Spielberg costume party. I think I confused everyone. “I’m a cat/mouse? Duh.”

      I was looking at Animaniacs quotes and liked this one:
      Yakko Warner: [looking at a ravine] Wow, just don’t look down.
      Wakko Warner: Do you get Vertigo?
      Yakko Warner: Nah.
      Wakko Warner: Me neither.
      Yakko Warner: Yeah. I’ve seen that movie three times and I still don’t get it.

  2. February 4, 2016 at 9:43 pm

    I love this video! Awesome job!!! Woodland creature mania. This is what a call a home run mystery pack. The value is solid and full of stuff you love. Plus isn’t it fun sometimes to get stuff that you really want to give to friends or family but might not pay that much retail for a gift for them.

    • February 4, 2016 at 10:05 pm

      Thanks! I am going to have a hard time deciding where to send some of the items, because I want to keep all the notepads but definitely don’t need that many more! The fox one is for sure for me, but I also like the dino and the birds and the owls… #woodlandproblems

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