MunchPak Subscription Box Review – June 2016

MunchPak is a subscription that wants you to feel comfortable with your grazing ways. Just embrace what we already know is awesome ammirite? I actually am very right about this. Indeed, I am in favor of snacking as a way to keep your energy up during the day and manage what is medically termed : The Bitchies.

I have suffered from this common malady and find that having something to snack on really helps to manage my symptoms!



Mini $9.95 which has about 5 or more snacks

Original $19.95 for 10 or more snacks

Family $39.95 for 20 or more snacks




I really like this box. It is friendly and I imagine all these people already have snacks and won’t try to get my snacks… I am not sharing!




Stuffed full!




Lotte – Pepero: These are chocolate filled biscuit sticks. They taste yummy and I love to munch on a few of these as I drive because it makes me feel like I am a fancy silver screen star who is taking our her fancy car for a drive around Malibu long silk scarf trailing behind her…

Yeah the sticks are my cigarettes but like better, because I can eat them.


Haitai – Homerun Ball (Choco Flavor): Have you ever had Belgium cream puffs? My sorority used to buy them in bulk from Costco and we would drizzle a bit of chocolate on them and a light dusting of powdered sugar and try to pass them off as fancy during Rush events. They would have to stop us from sneaking into the kitchen and just going full hog on them… ahh memories…

These remind me of that except not cold, and very small. They are not my personal favorite but totally an interesting treat!

Golly, I sure want a huge tub of cream puffs now…


Lotte – Waffle Mate: I have become a fan of these little waffles because they have a nice taste and are good for dunking. I love to dunk things. It transports me to a world where I could play with my food and take as long as I wanted enjoying my treats.

Also I feel like a giant who has broken into a waffle house! 


Siam Foods – Biscuit Stick: This taste like uncooked instant noodles smashed up with the seasoning packed mixed with it somehow. So yeah, I like it and wish I could eat handfuls of this while watching cooking shows.

It is just that kind of snack! 


Kaubip – Sunflower Brittle: This is about 560 calories for the whole bar so I would not eat this just willy nilly. It packs a great sunflower seed flavor so it can prove to be filling enough to only have a few pieces of it to stop gnawing hunger.

Or you could just eat sunflower seeds without the sugar…


Sour Dudes – Sour Strawz: I ate these first because I love sour candy! The flavors are ok and it isn’t super duper sour. However, the yellow is not lemon like anyone would guess. It is banana. I am not sure if that is common place in Turkish candy or not.

Yes, yellow will be the leftover color… I mean banana? 


Kolson – Cheese Balls (Masala Cheese Flavor): Very power full masala spice flavor which was a treat. The cheese flavor isn’t very strong which is actually a blessing because cheese masala doesn’t sounds very yummy to me.

I inhaled though my mouth when eating the first one and inhaled some of the dust into my lungs… swear I thought I would NEVER stop coughing. 


Skwinklote: This was a really interesting find! The candy is basically a pineapple gummy tube filled with chili tamarind filling. It is oddly addictive and just a fun thing to snack on when you want that sweet and sour combo!

Yeah, I am buying these in bulk! 


Pelon – Pelonetes: This snack is so weird and yummy. When I studied abroad at the University of the West Indies I could not get enough of the local Tamarind there. They kept is super natural and sour which is my fav. This type of candy is hard to come by so I make due with the Mexican versions that are usually mixed with a chili spice. This has the chili spice but not as much, and its little pellets make it perfect for a little zing!

Don’t confuse these pellets with anything the Easter Bunny might leave behind, they are not the same.


Botan Rice Candy: I buy these all the time and love the chewy texture and mild sweetness of this candy. The fun thing is that it comes with a sticker and you can eat the rice paper the candy comes wrapped in!

Yeah eating rice paper is my kinda fun… Sue me. 


Rice and Corn Candies: These types of candy are not overly sweet but good when you are hoping for a treat but don’t want it to be decadent… Though, I was unsure of what it all was exactly…

Never stopped me before! 


Verdict: I was impressed with the different types of muchies that were send in my MunchPak! Other sites tend to look up all the prices of the candy which is one way to determine value but for me the value is in getting interesting snacks that I would normally not have a chance to try. There was only one type of candy I was familiar with and the all were a mini adventure in snacking! I would consider this if you don’t tend to branch out snacking wise and you want to try new things!


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  7 comments for “MunchPak Subscription Box Review – June 2016

  1. June 26, 2016 at 9:40 pm

    Part of me wonders if you sit on city buses making intense eye contact with people whilst loudly crunching on these foreign snacks. Then you might toss a handful to new passengers. Not that I think you’re insane, but because I sometimes hope you’re the kind of person who giggles to herself after making someone feel weirdly uncomfortable.

    • June 26, 2016 at 9:46 pm

      Well this is like my new dream day! I would love to sort of offer odd snacks on a bus… Shhhhhhh the yellow is banana! Then I’d cackle with delight while stuffing another handful of snacks in my gob. #goals lol love this and I feel like I need to make this happen!

      • June 26, 2016 at 11:03 pm

        “The yellow looks like a corn nut…”

        I like the snooty snoots on the Lotte packaging. Also Skwinklote sounds like a swear word, and the description sounds rather skeptical, but I’d still take a bite!

        • June 28, 2016 at 3:14 pm

          I know right? But I ate it and have ordered more because they are so damn good. I was wary but figured it wouldn’t do to not eat it…

    • June 26, 2016 at 9:55 pm

      Oh and as an aside for anyone new I meet I throw out an odd joke to see if I can be real or not. It’s never failed. Ever. Just toss out an odd comment and gauge. Usually I clock folks to the mile. I live for the times I’m surprised.

  2. June 27, 2016 at 12:27 pm

    My favorite sour candy are the watermelons.

    I remember eating Botan slices as a kid. I am not sure whether my Pnut people will its kinda tartish. They love Pocky and the Pandas with the chocolate inside. And cheesy poufs (who doesn’t love cheesy poufs)?

    Another nommy review from Subista great job!

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