Pet Box February 2015 Review

Pet Box ( is a service that sends toys, food, and other goodies to your dog or cat. I was attracted to this box because they don’t just focus on dogs. It is actually tougher to find a service that will give cats love!

Pet Box has all sorts of subscription choices. You choose your length of time, how large you want the box, and whether or not you want to pick out items in your box or be surprised.

My option is from Groupon (love deals!) and I decided to be surprised because the last thing I need is to stress over which type of toy to put into a box for my cat who will tear it to shreds within a week! Seriously, it’s those types of things that get me crazy.

Now on with the show!

Pet Box Insides
Pet Box Insides

Seeing as how this was a Groupon and I did not pick a single thing I was blown away by how many items were in box! My cat Sophia was sort of interested at this point but not as excited about the value for money spent as I was. I think she needs to learn the value of money but she doesn’t seem able to hold a job so…


Smart N' Tasty Treats
Smart N’ Tasty Treats

Smart N’ Tasty: I did not have high hopes for these treats. Sophia was found under a bush half starved yet still has the gall to be one of the most picky cats I have ever come into contact with. She doesn’t like much of anything but her kibble and not even my go to Temptations treats do anything for her. However, she LOVES these!

My Value: Finally, I have a treat to use for training my cat for the one woman one cat circus I’m putting together!

Petlinks Squirrel
Petlinks Squirrel

Petlinks Woodsy Pet: This little guy is so cute, and so about to be torn apart. I feel bad giving this to Sophia because after she chews on this for awhile she gets all cocky and walks around like she owns the place. Dropping comments like “You’re WELCOME for saving you from that squirrel.”

My Value: this will tire my cat so that she will be less likely to attack my feet out of nowhere. Do you think she knows my feet are attached to me?  I live in fear people.


Royal Canin Pet Food
Royal Canin Pet Food Royal Canin Cat Food:

Royal Canin Pet Food: This is going to go to the shelter because we all can agree that once you get your cat on a type of food you do not mess with it unless you like to live dangerously. I don’t when it comes to picking up remnants of my cats displeasure.

My Value: I can put this in a cute serving dish while company is over and see if I can get anyone to try it. When they ask why I’m serving what tastes like cat food I’ll act really hurt and tell them that I’m sorry my great great grandmothers german snack mix isn’t to their personal taste and that she “only tucked the recipe in with her other meager belongings and sewed them into her petticoat for the long voyage to America battling scurvy and the croup so that she could always have a taste of her homeland.”


Petlinks Bumper Mouse
Petlinks Bumper Mouse


Petlinks Bumper Mouse: This is on sale at PetSmart for around $13 so I thought this was a great deal in a box. My cat will love this or be reallllllly afraid of it. I’m not sure which yet. Still this will get her moving around one way or the other and she needs that to keep her kitty reflexes sharp for the upcoming apocalypse.

My Value: If my cat doesn’t like it I can always let this loose in a really fancy restaurant. You know the type, where they make you pay for your side of mashed taters and have more than one fork.


Polydactyl Cat Popcorn Cat Toy
Polydactyl Cat Popcorn Cat Toy





No pictures please!
No pictures please!

Polydactyl Cats Popcorn Cat Toy: such cute packaging! My cat loves this to death. Seriously you couldn’t wrench this little pillow of awesome away from her! She is just like her human mama with popcorn.

My Value: Now I can watch old movies with Sophia and not feel weird for neglecting to offer her popped kernels of corn!


Verdict: This was an awesome box for Sophia. It was a solid value with quality products. Only downside is that she truly thinks every box that shows up now is for her…


  3 comments for “Pet Box February 2015 Review

  1. Jessica
    March 9, 2015 at 3:50 am

    I have two black and white kitties and we just started getting Petbox because of Groupon, too! They LOVE it. When it arrives, I immediately dump everything out and then they both want to be the first to sit/sleep/barricade themselves in the box. When a cool toy lures one out of the box the other takes immediately her spot and things get sassy. Comedic value on top of the toys. Glad Sophia enjoys!

    • Subscriptionista
      March 9, 2015 at 3:56 am

      Yay for tuxedo cats! I’m excited for the new box that’s on it’s way! I think it’s a great value for sure. Sophia has yet to jump into a sub box. I’d SO post it lol

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