Change What We Can Series

I was in Junior High when I had an epiphany. I could look at life through a negative lens or a positive lens; it’s still my life. I decided I want to enjoy my life using a positive lens.




Now, remember this is back in Junior High. It’s more of a general viewpoint or frame of reference for my life view. It does not discount depression, anxiety, etc.  I don’t want to be misunderstood. All people go through bumps in the road  despite their viewpoints. I’ve been depressed and felt anxious at times.


The osteoarthritis diagnosis of my right hip left me in a funk for a few days. It’s now in my neck, back, and right hip. I prefer to use the word “inflammation” when it comes to my hands.  I wrote the Birchbox Zelda post to help me break out of it.


Heat7918's trip to England
Photo Credit: Heat7918

“We can complain rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” – Abraham Lincoln


I’m going to rejoice. I enrolled in a Tai Chai class that will be starting the following Monday to help keep the movement that I do have. I also plan to utilize tools that I received in subscription boxes along with irl to lose weight. Losing weight will reduce the stress on my joints and allow me to keep my current movement or maybe even improve upon it.


Is there any interest in having a once a week check-in on things that we want to change and can change in our lives? You can share as little or as much as you want. It would be nice to have support.


Please let me know what you think!

  20 comments for “Change What We Can Series

  1. Pnut
    September 13, 2015 at 8:50 am

    Beautiful post!
    The only that pulls me to share now is a old New Year’s resolution that stuck for the most part.
    “Eat it only if it is worth the calories”
    Basically if I have something on my plate that does not taste enjoyable, 95% of the time, I will stop eating said offensive food because “it is not worth the calories”. 3% taking another bite because I just want to make sure. 2% eating it while chastising myself of my resolution.
    Please keep in mind that this is not really a dietary statement as I have no problem eating foods that are worth the calories!
    Great mindset Sub Bella and great way to start the week 🙂

    • Pnut
      September 13, 2015 at 8:53 am

      If there is a Chinese medicine school near you sometimes they have clinics to try acupuncture. Two of my cousins are doctors of Chinese medicine. The acupuncture is hit and miss but usually works when I ask them to treat me on occasion. When it first gets cold my body stiffins in objection and acupuncture helps.
      Feel better Sub Bella xoxoxoxo

    • Rachel
      September 13, 2015 at 9:31 am

      Another saying I have heard is “Eat to live not live to eat.” Though I have to be honest i don’t always follow it.

      • September 13, 2015 at 8:16 pm

        Rachel, another great dietary statement. My diet can use some tweaking. It is the exercising that is the biggest issue.

    • September 13, 2015 at 8:14 pm

      Pnut, thank you for sharing. It’s a great eating motto. I live in an area where it is hard to find alternative medicine. This was not an issue where I used to live.

      My biggest issue with the weight gain is exercise. I used to love exercise and being active. Now I find exercising and being active to be painful and sometimes tiring. I don’t enjoy it anymore. That hurts deep inside because I used to be athletic, coached my son’s sport teams, and hiked all the time.

  2. Artemis
    September 13, 2015 at 9:38 am

    Sub Bella, I’m sorry about your diagnosis and I understand how you would be in a funk after that. But, I think your positive outlook and taking actions to improve is wonderful! Too many people settle into the funk and that just makes everything worse. I think it would be great to start a series on this. Accountability and updates are very helpful in achieving goals, at least it is for me.

    I just started reading Being Mortal, which I got in a Book Riot box. It is a bit depressing (“here are all of the things that go wrong with your body as you age”), but it is inspiring me to make changes in my lifestyle now to stay healthier and better prepare for the future. I need to start working out, eating better, taking vitamins (we women need to load up on Calcium), and planning for my financial future so I can have good care without burdening my children when I get to my golden years. I’ll join you in this!

    Good luck to you as you work towards your goals!

    • Pnut
      September 13, 2015 at 9:44 am

      Did the book say Calcium Citrate with (magnesium)? I think that is the optimal way for calcium absorption. I tried to take calcium daily and I think that is what I had. Fell off the wagon. Even tries those chews *sigh*

      • Pnut
        September 13, 2015 at 10:04 am

        That book has great reviews on Amazon! I want to read it but not so excited about being depressed while reading it does sound like a downer :/
        Any more advice from the book you can share?

        • Artemis
          September 13, 2015 at 1:20 pm

          I’m only about a hundred pages into the book, but it didn’t really give “advice” thus far. It really is a book about medical advances and the changes in the choices we have as we age. For me, the stories he is telling about people he has met has made me think about what I can do, so I’m inferring what action to take rather than following advice, if that makes sense? For example, he has described a lot of people falling and how falling gets progressively worse and leads to other issues, so I inferred that I really should be building up a calcium reserve (which inference is based on knowledge I have gained elsewhere) so that I give myself the best shot. I don’t know about calcium citrate vs anything else, sorry! I picked up some calcium gummies (which is the only way I ever remember to take vitamins) yesterday from Target.

          He also so far talked about nursing homes and assisted living facilities and the importance (and lack of) geriatrics providers. I can only read a few pages at a time and then move on to other things, but the stories and medical observations he is making is forcing me to consider aging and what I can do to plan appropriately for the future, from a health and financial prospective, but also to give some thought on how I want to age and whether I need to rethink my health care proxy or living will. If your local library has this book, I recommend picking it up. Or you can buy it and pass it along to friends and family and have some discussions on the subject. I’m giving my copy to my best friend when I am done with it (she works with the elderly and asked me about it when she saw it).

          • Pnut
            September 13, 2015 at 3:05 pm

            I get it. I think it’s women’s bones fracturing from being brittle? I think we are higher risk for hip replacement?
            I think as long as you get calcium and consistently take it then it doesn’t matter. I think if your hardcore it is cal citrate plus mag …. You will need to google it though to make sure that was the right cocktail for absorption…

    • September 13, 2015 at 8:17 pm

      I should read that book! The things that you described weigh heavily on my mind. I want to have a promising future and be prepared for it. Thank you for all your wonderful comments.

  3. Rachel
    September 13, 2015 at 9:40 am

    Sub Bella, thank you for this post. I had to have surgery about a year and a half ago and my body has not been the same since. I would benefit from losing weight as it would help me feel better all around, something I have never had trouble with before and this time around it is very hard. I try to start each day off positive but it’s not always easy. I am sorry you are not feeling your best and it does help to share, thank you! 🙂

    • September 13, 2015 at 8:21 pm

      You are welcome! Great job in starting each day on a positive note! Please continue to post 🙂

  4. Heat7918
    September 13, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    I’m gloat you liked my rose picture and I love the quote you put with it!
    I definitely need to be healthier and tend to go through phases… Right now I’m in an in-between phase – eating healthy sometimes but not always (I just ate a baby-sized 3.6 oz Haagen-Dazs ice cream in chocolate peanut butter flavor – that’s portion control at least!), and trying to do extra walking each day but not doing 10k steps every day like I did earlier this year for almost 2 months straight. I have the time… I’m just lazy. 🙁

    • September 13, 2015 at 8:28 pm

      Your pictures are beautiful! Now it is time to move out of the in-between phase! I should go back to walking 10k steps every day. Sometimes it seems like it took forever to reach 10k.

  5. CeciliaA
    September 13, 2015 at 7:52 pm

    I love this idea! One of the things that I really like about this site is that it stays positive (and features numerous cat pictures since I am a self professed feline enthusiast). You always have a choice as to how to look at a situation (big and small).

    Good luck with your treatments and goals. Having decreased mobility can be challenging to deal with. I broke one of my ankles in multiple places and gained a ton of weight after the surgery. I’m still working on getting it all off over 5 years later. I have found swimming to be very helpful.

    • September 13, 2015 at 8:08 pm

      CeciliaA – Do not read my Burke Decor Review. It’s not positive.

      I’m glad that you like our blog! We want to be positive!!! Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m a poor swimmer. I am considering water aerobics or something similar. Maybe I will end up being a good swimmer as a result of my problems!

      • CeciliaA
        September 13, 2015 at 8:12 pm

        I actually just saw it and it didn’t come across poorly. It is possible to express displeasure without getting nasty and you managed to do that. You gave a review that was honest which is what you are supposed to do; not every box is going to be a winner.

        As a positive I received my PopSugar yesterday so will be shipping out a brow palette soon.

        • September 13, 2015 at 8:23 pm

          Thank you. We strive to be positive.I can’t wait to see the brow palette! Thank you!!!

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