Saturday Trash Talk-Packed bags and Swaps

Lets get Trashy! Or in the case of this week-you get a mish mash. But everyone loves trash so send me your empty pics as well as you thoughts to be featured: mailboxjunkie at gmail dot com.

This week I had to pack a bag: for the hospital! If you have been following any of my posts then you know I was about to give birth any minute. And I did!! Hooray new life!
Since my week was consumed with snuggles and the largest maxi pads you have ever seen in your life I didn’t get through many empties. However, being a sub box junkie means that sub boxes fill your life in so many ways so here was my packed hospital bag:


Bespoke Post Weekender Bag

So if you watch groupon or rue la la then you can get some pretty amazing deals on Bespoke post. This is the weekender bag they created. It has pretty leather details and is a durable canvas material. I got it for $21!!

It isn’t huge so if you were going to use it as your only weekend bag then you are looking at packing a black maxi and two tops and praying you don’t spill anything on yourself.ย 


Bespoke post Line of Trade canvas tote

Another $21 dollar deal!! This is my mom bag. I got it about a year and the dang thing is indestructable. It fits everything and looks the same a year later as the day I got it.

This bag at any given time contains: wallet, sunglasses, diapers, banana peels, juice boxes, planners, and sunscreen. And that is a light day!


Here were my essentials:

Broo Shampoo and Conditioner:

I started using this stuff when I went on my natural kick. It works great and has totally changed the texture of my hair. They are now selling it at Walmart!

Lebon Toothpaste:

Fancy french toothpaste? Hey, it came in my Oui Please box. It has pretty good ingredients and it tastes like cinnamon. And for being fancy and French it isn’t that pricey so I may rebuy.

Cue…I’m so fancy…

Angel Face Botanicals:

This stuff came to me by way of Subscriptionista. It works great! I love Angel Face because they have great stuff, good ingredients and cheap prices. This stuff feels gentle enough to use everyday.

Cocoa Pink Goatsmilk and Honey Lotion:

This came in my Boxwalla box and it is my favorite lotion at present. It is lightweight, simple ingredients and it has a “fresh out of the dryer” smell. And for being a sort of fancy boutique lotion it is not that expensive. So will be re-buying! Need to try more of their crazy scents like Bonfire Celebration of Briarwood meadow!

Toms Deodorant:

I switched to natural deodorant awhile ago and I have mixed feelings about it. I am not going to lie there are times I regress and use my husbands speed stick. But one thing I can’t get behind with the natural stuff is having to apply it with your fingers. Ya, not doing it. Saw this one at Target and it was cheap so I though hey, why not?!

I realized it was for kids like 2 weeks after I had been using it. No wonder I have been feeling young at heart…..

Lalun Moonbutter:

Another Boxwalla Winner. I packed this particularly because I knew hospital air is really dry and so I wanted my face lotion to hold in as much moisture as possible. Success! This stuff is delightful and a little goes a long way because it is packed with all kinds of yummy butters like cacao, mango, shea and more!

Lalun Toner:

Yep, Boxwalla. What can I say? The stuff they send is amaze-balls. Read my review here of the February box. This stuff has honey in it so it tones and moisturizes and well smells like heaven.

They mention on their product description that you can get this in your mouth. Hmmm, is that a selling point? or like hey you lazy gal, it’s ok if you forgot to close your mouth. This stuff won’t hurt you!

And because last week I was in total nest mode and cleaning up and out a storm, I did some swaps on MSA swap board. Here is what I scored:

PicMonkey Collage

I swapped for: Mara Hoffman Sarong

My mom is literally one of the coolest people I know and so she hardly every really likes any of my sub box cast offs. So she saw my sarong like this from the Box of style and was like…Raises one eyebrow….“Hm, I like that”… (meaning she wants to steal it). So I immediately went on the hunt to track one down for her. I swapped very generously for it too!

PicMonkey Collage2

I swapped for: We Wood Watch

This watch is sooo pretty in person! The wood is lightly finished and I am pretty much in love with it. It is very large though so I am going to have to take a few links out. It also has a very manly feel to it. Not like a lot of the ladies watches they make these days that have a large face and are dainty. This one is solid! Bust out the feminine bracelets to balance it out.

That’s all folks. Sorry this week was a mish mash and posted late! But there is a brand new baby to cuddle…………………………………….

  21 comments for “Saturday Trash Talk-Packed bags and Swaps

  1. March 26, 2016 at 10:30 am

    Yea for cuddles!!! Supermom with superpads! You are bringing memories of that sexy mesh postpartum panties lol. And newborn toeberries that makes up for the pain ๐Ÿ˜‰ Congrats again momma!

  2. Heat7918
    March 26, 2016 at 10:40 am

    Congratulations! I don’t know how you had the time or energy for this post but it was great as always – glad to have you back so soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Mailbox Junkie
      March 27, 2016 at 12:44 pm

      Well my husband is home to help right now. We shall see how it all goes down when I am left with the two alone…..

  3. March 26, 2016 at 10:58 am

    OMG great post! I LOVE the sarong so much it is really awesome to wear as a dress. obviously though more as a cover up type of dress as I am not sure if you can see thru it… which has its own rewards I guess hahahaha

    • Mailbox Junkie
      March 27, 2016 at 12:48 pm

      My mom is sassy enough to wear it as a dress too. I was so excited to find one for her that I gave the lady whatever she wanted!

      • March 27, 2016 at 1:56 pm

        I had such envy for the sarong it was all I could talk about… on swap at the time it was a hot item and I am just crappy at swap. High ratings but I have like ZERO patience with people who hem and haw. Anyway, a bear got me one from ebay as a gift. I was so thankful lol

        • March 27, 2016 at 11:38 pm

          Isn’t it so so pretty?!? It is by far one of the best sub box items ever!

          • March 30, 2016 at 7:47 pm

            I think it is my top fav sub box item. Seriously

  4. March 26, 2016 at 12:05 pm

    Congratulations!!! Yay for cuddles.

    • Mailbox Junkie
      March 27, 2016 at 12:47 pm

      Thanks!! Every cuddle session lasts at least 2 hours!

  5. AngelaR
    March 26, 2016 at 7:26 pm

    Congratulations!! Yea for cuddles! Great post

    • Mailbox Junkie
      March 27, 2016 at 12:45 pm

      Thanks! Cuddles are pretty much the best drug out there. If only you could bottle them up!

  6. Artemis
    March 26, 2016 at 10:36 pm


    • Mailbox Junkie
      March 27, 2016 at 12:44 pm

      Thanks so much!!

  7. Sub Bella
    March 27, 2016 at 4:49 pm

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Enjoy your time with your little one. You selected great items for your bags!

    • March 27, 2016 at 6:47 pm

      Thanks! Little babies are the best present in the world!!

  8. March 29, 2016 at 5:54 pm

    I promise I’ll eventually get my trash talk review to you! I have the pictures taken and all I need to do is write up the actual “substance” part. Hey, posing inanimate objects in pictures it tough!

    • March 29, 2016 at 8:32 pm

      you are getting in the game just at the right time because I am going to start doing giveaways to my helpers!!

  9. April 6, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    Congratulations!! I’d missed this post. Beyond thrilled that you are enjoying the products.

    “They mention on their product description that you can get this in your mouth. Hmmm, is that a selling point? or like hey you lazy gal, itโ€™s ok if you forgot to close your mouth. This stuff wonโ€™t hurt you!”

    This is just too funny!! At first I thought one MUST taste it because it is tasty (because of the honey!). But eventually I found out that getting it on the tongue is beneficial because of the rose flower essence which is supposed to be beneficial when taken internally as well. (though I don’t have any personal opinion or knowledge regarding this). Having said that, a minuscule amount of alcohol (organic etc) is used in the extraction of the rose flower essence, so to err on the side of (extreme) caution, I wouldn’t let it get in your mouth if you are going to be nursing your baby. Otherwise it is fine! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • April 6, 2016 at 10:27 pm

      Thanks!! New babies are the best thing in the whole world. so snuggly! I love learning that about the toner. The Moon Cream saved my skin in the hospital!

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