Bulu Box Review February 2015

Bulu Box (www.bulubox.com) deals with health food and the like. It comes in two ways: regular and weight loss. I went for regular because my Magic 8 Ball said I should.

It shows up monthly and has a variety of plan options ranging from a monthly $10 to a yearly $110. HOWEVER they always have crazy deals. They run Groupon type deals (they even have one up now) and $10 for 3 months.

They have a rewards program sorta like Birchbox where you earn 10 points for every product you review in the box. 10 points = $1

I got in on some deal or other and it is basically like getting a free box if I spend my points in their online store.

Bulu Box
Bulu Box


There is no mistaking this box. Even your neighbors will know how healthy you are trying to be!


Inside Feb 2015 Bulu Box
Inside Feb 2015 Bulu Box


I was surprised there were so many samples!


Lentil Crackers
Lentil Crackers


Mediterranean Snacks Lentil Crackers in Cracked Pepper: This snack has a lot going on in that it is oven baked (rather then left out in the sun to bake I guess?), gluten free, and verified non GMO. I do believe these crackers have a more robust resume than I do! I haven’t ate them yet as I plan to display them on my mantle for guests to admire.

My Value: $1 (A great snack to keep on hand for that difficult person who WILL show up at your home when you are wearing your “Saturday Slacks” with the elastic waist and worn thin seat)


Smarty Pants
Smarty Pants


Smarty Pants Adult Vitamins: Gummy vitamins are my jam! I used to keep a big Costco sized package in my car and eat them when I was bored driving. I received two packs of these and each had two gummies inside. They don’t have any added sugar. This could be something you appreciate. Me? I want tasty gummies, and to me these were not very yummy.

My Value: .50 (Great for giving to trick or treaters who are rude)


Balance Bare
Balance Bare


Balance Bare Bar: I told myself to wait to eat it and ended up eating it absentmindedly while finishing an expense report. While I am not sure if I became more energetic or not, it was nice to have a bar that wasn’t too sweet. It feels like so many of these bars are getting crazy complicated. Two weeks ago I even bought a bar that is BBQ flavor. I have not had the courage to eat it yet.

My Value: $1.50 (Great for fueling those epic expense reporting nights where you really get after it)


KPax Energy
KPax Energy


K Pax Energy Tablets: I took these tablets and they were easy on my tummy. I’m not sure if I felt anymore energetic. I am however sure that my pee was neon yellow for two days following my first dose.

My Value: ??? (Great to use if your bored with your regular old urine color)


The Good Bean
The Good Bean


The Good Bean: This flavor was pretty plain but I enjoyed the snack. The chickpeas are crunchy and it feels like pretty normal snacking even though these are free from all sorts of stuff including that temptress gluten. I ate the bag in less time then it took me to open it.

My Value: $1 (One of the better snacks to throw at people and yell, “I’m doing this for your health!!!”)




Zestra Essential Arousal Oils: Bulu Box! I didn’t know you uh, felt that way about me. I feel like all of this is moving so fast! Yes, yes, I know life is about adventure but I’m just not sure I’m comfortable with this um, sensual attention.

Zestra totally sells itself using it’s studies to say it is clinically proven. I took a look at these studies and the subjects are women with sexual dysfunction and their improvement (primary endpoint) is a score from some set of questions researchers put together.

Oh Bulu Box, I’m just not the target market for this!

My Value: $2 (I’m going to go up to someone with the sample and say “Hey I think you dropped this!” Then argue with them about it while they try to recover from the shock and embarrassment. “Listen Lady I SAW this fall out of your purse….sheesh!”)


"Cat With Sports Tea"
“Cat With Sports Tea”


Sports Tea: Ever since I got Sophia Von Bearcat Of Tuxedo de Coronado a Petbox sub she thinks every box that comes in is for her. Makes it a bit tough to take pictures and I worry what the neighbors think when they hear me yell “Sophia! Stay out of my essential arousal oils!”

Sports Tea is formulated to get you hydrated and ready to take on the world or a treadmill. It was actually pretty good and it can help many of us water drinking challenged individuals drink more during the day. My first impression was that it was silly, however it’s a nice tea.

My Value: $1 (I can serve this at a fancy tea party and then do squats while eating those little cucumber sandwiches)


Final Verdict: this Bulu box took me places no other box has, and for that alone I’m happy with this months box.


My Reviewing Policy



  4 comments for “Bulu Box Review February 2015

  1. Cali Bear
    February 22, 2015 at 6:37 pm

    Oh, you found my Zestra! I’ve been looking everywhere for that!

    • Subscriptionista
      February 22, 2015 at 6:47 pm

      LOL! Yes, I also saw that you dropped this here Clinical Study that I see you have made notations on. You’re welcome!

  2. PA Anna
    February 22, 2015 at 10:27 pm

    I think this is the best review ever of the Bulu box. I was laughing the whole time.

    • Subscriptionista
      February 23, 2015 at 12:46 am

      Thank you once again! It warms my little coal heart that you read these!!! I seriously am one of those people who giggle at their own jokes so it is nice to have someone laugh with me for once!

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