Decoterie No More? + FALL UPDATES

Disclosure: There is a referral link in the post. Decoterie has opened their new website. I do not have a referral link for it. I updated the link to point towards the correct website.

Sub Bella: Straight from Decoterie



Dear Decoterie family,

It’s amazing how you can have something growing as part of you, soon to be alive and thriving, and in an instant you can find out you’ve lost it altogether. Even crazier that you soon find out a friend has gone through the same thing just as recently. How funny that one experience in life can suddenly change the way you react to things, become more defensive or maternally protective or sensitive to things that you didn’t think you were. I guess it’s the same way that one person’s smile instantly changes your day or a surprising gift can change your entire outlook. What are those things that help us heal and have joy and create memories? Are they experiences or material objects or are they the people around us? I believe it’s all of the above. And that’s why Decoterie will be no more. We are replacing it with a bigger and better experience since I’ve experienced firsthand how this can be more than just a box. The ongoing private feedback has been so incredible and even moved us to tears that we realized we were standing in our own way. Should we be more frequent or more affordable? The answer is let’s aim for both! We want to be more accessible to those who could use a little pick me up because you never know when people might need it. In this new online world it’s so easy to guess or assume that we all know each other and what each of us is going through, but when we retreat home it’s the things and the people and the sanctuary we’ve created for ourselves in the real world that gives us the most solace. That is what we want to focus on, not competing to try to have the box with the most amount of goodies at one time or generic designs that will please everyone. You can’t please everyone. We had the wrong goal at the start. Our new goal is joy. We all have different tastes and styles but joy is universal. We can strive to be uplifting and healthier and beautiful, and we can do it together! So thank you to those who shared what our boxes mean to you or how you’ve been using pieces day by day!

With that, we’re proud to confirm come November we will have a new name and be a monthly box at a lower $100 price point. This won’t change anything for those who pay box to box as you can continue or pause anytime at this new price, but our annual subscribers will have the chance to receive their remaining boxes sooner than later and can choose to renew afterwards if they choose. Cancellations will still remain as easy as a click of a button. More fun things are in store as well, including live televised unboxing videos with us where we can all delight together and you can ask our team anything (myself, Alice, Kasey, Erin, Anne), themed pop up shops in a city near you, and customer personalized boxes. We also will be dividing this newsletter in two. One exclusively for our subscribers and the rest for fans. This way we can send private and exclusive info to active paying members only.


We also want to start rewarding extraordinary customers and fans. You’re always there to support us and let us know how much you love or hate our box, when our website is down or misbehaving, when our customer service could have been better or when it rocked your world, how our box cheered you up, when you think we should know about a new designer, or just to say hello! So starting today we are announcing CUSTOMER OF THE MONTH as a thank you for taking the time to write to us with elegance, tact, and class when you have so many things you could be doing with your time but you choose to take time to reach out to us. And who knows it might even turn into customer of the week. Our first ever Customer Of The Month is *(redacted).! Cograts *(redacted)! You are such a beautiful soul and have sent us so many notes that have made us think and laugh and improve our box, so you have won our bestselling and editor fave Brown Honey pillow. We hope you enjoy!

Lastly, as I write to you from high in the mountains on a little spiritual detox with my mum, back at the office the team can simply not agree on what to do for holiday box. At this rate the box might include over 100 items! So we’re going to do a little poll and see which sort of box you might prefer. Is it a spa and beauty box to indulge at home, a kitchen-themed box, or something more fashionable? Let us know! Vote here! Don’t forget you can reach out to us anytime day or night via email and our online chat. Little reminder that our social media is not used for customer service purposes since we want to make sure we get back to everyone who is trying to reach us and as you can guess, social notifications are not super reliable (I am still waiting to get a response from Ryan Gosling’s facebook regarding my 2009 marriage proposal!). This will be our last email coming to you as Decoterie! For now you can just call us The Box. Hint hint!

From your fellow box addict in crime,

Shop Letitia Elizabeth

Still want a fall box? They ship out October 30.


*I, Sub Bella, redacted the winner’s name. It was listed in the email by first name, initial of last name.

  13 comments for “Decoterie No More? + FALL UPDATES

  1. October 11, 2015 at 5:50 pm

    Sorry, Readers. I updated the link to reflect the correct website.

  2. October 12, 2015 at 5:32 am

    Well this is….interesting.

  3. October 12, 2015 at 6:39 am

    Parts of the email resonated with me. I agree that a home should be a sanctuary. I’m on board with joy. There were emails or box descriptions floating around when Decoterie was first announced that implied that it would move to a monthly box at some point. I don’t have those saved anywhere because I was not a blogger at that time.

    I wish LE success in her monthly box and that the issues surrounding her box are resolved.

  4. Artemis
    October 12, 2015 at 6:40 am

    I’m not really sure what I read here …..

    • Rachel
      October 12, 2015 at 8:11 am

      I thought the same thing Artemis, glad I am not the only one. šŸ™‚

  5. October 12, 2015 at 10:01 pm

    I want to read a novel by Letitia Elizabeth. The book has to be made from something fabulous though.

    Also, why was the subscriber-of-the-month’s name redacted? It makes it sound like she was undeclared the winner.

    • October 13, 2015 at 12:24 pm

      She has a blog at so kinda like a novel?

      • October 13, 2015 at 2:30 pm

        Thanks, Phedre! Her blog is… not what I was expecting. Hah. I don’t want to live a minimalist lifestyle. Though, I do need to have a garage sale! I have way too much stuff in boxes to sell. Sigh.

    • October 13, 2015 at 4:35 pm

      I redacted because I posted the email onto the blog. I am going to update the post to make it clearer. I did not redact it when I first posted the email and email subscribers received the full email with the name in it. It was thefirst name and initial of the last name.

      • October 13, 2015 at 7:27 pm

        Ah, makes sense. I thought it was something done in the original newsletter! Thanks for clarifying.

    • sherrit
      November 10, 2015 at 1:00 am

      Hello, I’m new here, and I’m Sherri. I agree with Andrea about the redacting of the winners name? Thanks.

      • November 10, 2015 at 5:48 am

        Hi Sherrit! Thank you for commenting. I chose to redact the name. Decoterie had the name listed in the email.

  6. November 13, 2015 at 8:52 pm

    I received the fall box and am planning to post the review in the next few days.

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