SugarBash’s NEW Faves and Raves Subscription Box Review: Summer Fling – July 2016

SugarBash’s NEW Faves and Raves Subscription is a lifestyle subscription box that seeks to bring sweetness to your door but does not involve any sledgehammering of sugar. This should make those of you felt anxious at the thought off those poor sugar cubes getting bashed to breath a sigh of relief! You will also not have to actually attend a Rave I assume…

Cost: $35.00 every other month

I actually was a subscriber to the old SugarBash for a year. When it ran out I decided not to renew as there were to many downs to how many ups I personally got from the bi-monthly box. I was pretty vocal in my reviews (They can be found by clicking here) and tried to offer ideas on what could be done to up the awesome factor of the box.

When I posted my reviews the old SugarBash would sometimes comment here and on social media but in a nice way. I liked that they at least read what I wrote! You would be surprised how often reviews get discounted because business owners don’t have a strong enough ego to really accept genuine feedback. Those businesses usually close down. Trust me, I have had a fair share of angry owners write me to demand I take down a review, when I tell them to go kick rocks they usually make excuses, and when I say I could care less about that they usually shove off.

Not SugarBash.

No, SugarBash always kept lines open and even emailed me asking me to review this box because they had taken the time to implement changes that people like me had asked for and refreshed their subscription to its new identity Faves and Raves. We are a smaller blog, and the fact that they remembered the reviews and also took the time to engage us in their exciting changes really says a lot right off the bat!


Now, enough of the past let’s take a look now!



The box with updated logo




Info card! I just want to say that this is WAY better looking than the ones that were sent out before. This looks more professional. The old ones looked cheap and hastily thrown together by the nephew of an extended family member of a friend you have.. but don’t like enough to actually invite over to your home and had to do a favor for by some horrible twist of fate.

Now it looks like a proper lifestyle subscription box!




Catherine Cole – Silver Barefoot Sandals: I will spare you pics of these on my feet because I did a foot peel mask and I swear I have lost like a whole size from using it… (ick) Anyway these are so cute for the right feet. Namely those who don’t get the sweats thinking that someone is even looking at their scampers. Perfect for summer and for the pool because bling is so in!

I see these on Mailbox Junkie for some reason… just dancing around in the sand while reviewing natural beauty products….

Maybe If I put a ton of these on my feet will look ok… hmmm…





Royal Comfort – “South Beach” Beach Towel: I like getting beach towels as I live in San Diego and honestly hate to use my bath towels for the outside. Something just does not say clean shower to me once it has been outside and possibly sat on by someone else. Anyway, I love SoBe so much and go a lot to have fun! It really is one of my favorite places to go kick it on the beach and party. The locals are super friendly and the water is nice. I always have a great time there, even if I am drinking a cheap Bud Lite Margarita Lime during the day because dinner and drinks will be soooo crazy expensive…

I can point out so many places I have been on the map and almost as many places I have embarrassed myself!  



Elizabeth Mott – Eyeshadow Primer: I am a fan of this primer because it actually does a really good job keeping my eye shadow on my lids and not underneath my eyes which seems to happen on days I don’t wear a primer. This tube will seriously last FOREVER…

Surprisingly not made with any applesauce! 




Annmarie – Balance Kit for Normal & Combo Skin: This is a cute kit but so much packaging! Still it is nice to try out a new natural brand, and I am all about trying a whole routine from one brand. It makes so much sense! The samples are small but large enough to try out for enough time to make a decision on if you will buy or pass.

Seriously though, why is this box so damn big Annmarie? Nature ammirite?



The Body Shop – Coconut Oil Hair Shine: I own this! I actually totally buy it! I am as shocked as you are because let’s be real (rillly rilly rill) – I don’t buy a lot of stuff save for subscription boxes because I would then be even poorer than I am now. That would be so sad. My cat would barely be kept in her fancy pants kibble for her picky tummy! Actually just kidding, I’d get her that kibble if I had to tap dance on a webcam. Anywhoosen, I love this stuff especially during the summer. It helps hydrate my hair and it smells nice!

I used to hate coconut everything, and now I can’t get enough! 



Freaker – Shrimpimp: I don’t get the name of this product save for flamingos eat shrimp (to the best of my knowledge they don’t actually pimp them) or even the name of the actual brand. I do however know a beer koosie when I see one and this fits the bill. It actually fits just about anything even a sippy cup, so check your kids stuff because who knows what they are hiding?  I love the print and that it hides from prying eyes what I may or may not be drinking… It is nobody business except BevMo!

This is perfect for when you have people over and are serving good beer, but like… wanna have a great beer… but mayyyybeeeeee don’t wanna share all the great beer because they are VERY expensive ya dig? Suddenly, you don’t look like your holding out…

I am not a bad hostess, just a sneaky one is all. Jeez.



Govino – 28 OZ. Decanter with 16 OZ. Wine Glass: I squealed when I pulled this out! I got one of these in a Popsugar box and LOVE it. Well a week or so ago my best buddy came for a visit and she is one of those helpful types who actually load a dishwasher (I am not). She didn’t know that this did not go in the dishwasher and we ran it. My poor Govino cup was all misshapen! 🙁 It is NOT her fault because she had no way of knowing and I am overly emotional about my “special” water cup. Anyway it was AWESOME to have this show up because it really is great to have by my bedside.

I actually sort of have this set follow me wherever I am in the house to get me to drink more water, something says “fancy free n’ fun” about drinking water from this set! 



Vita Coco Pure Coconut Water: When I was serving in the Peace Corps in Samoa I learned just how truly great coconut water really is. I drank it ALL the time right from the source. Otherwise I had to drink the water that I had to filter and then add a few drops of bleach too. Let me tell you that type of water over time messed up your tummy something fierce. But better that then dirty water. Trust me, boiling water wasn’t much of an option because the sheer volume you drink in a climate like that. Anyway, this is the good stuff and if you are drinking by the pool I IMPLORE you to reach for coconut water in between drinks!!!

You can thank me later with sorted drinking stories! 


Verdict: I love what I am seeing from Faves and Raves! This is a business being run in a way that shows they listen to subscribers and have to make changes sometimes. I personally love that. I don’t see any cheap make up, or weird non cohesive items that I saw before. I also see a whole new attitude and personality. This is a great first box out of the gate for the price point and I am excited to see if they keep it up in the future. An excellent box out of the gate and I am hoping they keep it up and win the race!


Disclosure: No affiliate links in this blog! 



  6 comments for “SugarBash’s NEW Faves and Raves Subscription Box Review: Summer Fling – July 2016

  1. Erin
    July 11, 2016 at 2:22 pm

    What a great review! I’m going to have to keep my eye on this one. I like the price point and that it’s every other month, so it reduces the chance of product overload. Give me some breathing room sub boxes!

    We also have a kitty with stomach issues, so our cats eat fancy expensive food too. I know your pain! And I second coconut water as the queen of hydrating products! It’s my go-to for preventing hangovers, even if I’m just drinking on the couch playing rock band and not lounging like a goddess by the water. A girl can dream though….

    • July 11, 2016 at 4:00 pm

      Thank you so much Erin!!! Also thank you for not making me feel so alone with the expensive food thing. It is just so weird how she is super picky, yet was found under a bush near an apartment unit. I mean she fight tooth and nail with me every time I try to put her on wet food… I just heard it was better for her.

      I like that it is every other month as well! I can’t wait to see the next box to see if they keep it up. I really want them to do well because they actually care.

      Ha! I have been sipping coconut water in the car which is… so… well not relaxing but at least I am not dehydrated!

  2. July 13, 2016 at 11:49 pm

    Ooohhh another GoVino! I am loving that brand. It should have been feautured on Amazon Prime Day!!!

    This is a really nice box and review to boot!

  3. July 28, 2016 at 12:51 am

    Holy Crap your funnnnnyyyyy. Is that your cats tail in your face like a mustache. Love love love your silliness and will follow you now because I love me some good hard laughs…. Word. Bethielutz692

    • July 29, 2016 at 10:10 am

      Aww thanks so much!!!! And yes it is her tail. She actually likes to hit my face with her tail A LOT.

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