Oui Please 1.2 – Dreaming Of Normandy Review March 2015

Oui Please (Ouiplease.com) is a subscription that seeks to give us Americans a bite of the croissant so to speak. Every other month subscribers receive lifestyle items that are French for the price of $175 a box or if you actually subscribe $150 a month. It is $650 for a year. Each box is supposed to have items in it that value $400 or over. I signed up for a year using a 20% off code because I like to live dangerously but not too dangerously.


Outside of box it is sent in!
Outside of box it is sent in!

I sort of want to do a box and call it “BitchPlease.”


Camilla The French Hen Roosts On The Box To Establish It Is Hers
Camilla The French Hen Roosts On The Box To Establish It Is Hers

Camilla The French Hen aka my poultry pal was on hand for the unboxing and thanked me for the “gift.” She must miss her native France! I asked her if the box smelled of France and she said that it did not. I agreed. When I studied in Paris I almost died because I was stuck on a train that smelled so bad I could scarce believe humans could produce it. I literally never have felt so claustrophobic or buried by bad smells, even counting my time serving in the Peace Corps. Camilla says that is just dirty train people, but I dunno…


On Top Of The Box
On Top Of The Box

This was on top of the box. It means Dream! I decided next week I am going to see how many times I can shout “Dream!” at people. I suppose it is to go along with the theme.



The box itself is really well made and suitable for putting your stuff in later, but unlike any normal box when people ask about it you can explain to them just how crazy your subscription box addiction has become. When they question your spending habits just yell “Dream!” at them.

By this time I had sifted through an outer box, packing materials, a bossy sign, and had to shoo a hen off. I was ready to have a look at luxury. I was finally ready to truly live the dream in Normandy!


Palais Des Thes - Orange Blossom Green Tea ($15)
Palais Des Thes – Orange Blossom Green Tea ($15)

Palais Des Thes – Orange Blossom Green Tea ($15): Ohhh La La! Pinkies up ladies! Turns out tea isn’t just for the English. I have a ton of tea, because I imagine it is healthy. I also have given up all booze for Lent and have been drinking buckets of tea to try to busy myself until I can be reunited with my sweet sweet wine. I found it alarming that nowadays being a company created in 1986 is something to be noted since I was born before that date. It makes me want to write my forthcoming bio with something like “Created in 1981 Subsciptionista knew she would never be able to touch her toes…”

The description says that the flavor will be “unique, velvety, and sensual.” Hmmm tea sensual?!? Before I sampled this delight I slipped into my sexiest sports bra, tank top with the least amount of stains, and yoga pants I bought from Ross three years ago. This would be an event.

My Value: Finally date night tea. Now the final touch on my menagerie of seduction is complete!


Florence De La Peschardiere - Necklace
Florence De La Peschardiere – Necklace

Florence De La Peschardiere – Necklace ($60): People have varied opinions on this and probably most things in the world. I am not sold on this piece. The colors I received aren’t really me but I can maybe make it work. In the included description mag Et Voila, they interview the designer who seems sorta intense. She designs for the woman who “loves life” and “can combine different types of lifestyles into one.” A woman who is “elegant but eccentric, and extravagant but never vulgar.” The woman she designs for is “surprising, sweet, and unforgettable.”

Safe to say she is not designing anything for me. Otherwise she would say “The woman I design for would still be wearing Christmas socks even though it is March. A woman who has little shame, and even less money. She is covered in cat hair, crumbs, and should probably touch up her roots because they are getting pretty bad.” Ya know, the PERFECT woman.

My Value: The hanging beads will draw attention to my nips, which I understand to be tre chic!


Nominoe - Foam Face Cleanser $20
Nominoe – Foam Face Cleanser $20

Nominoe – Foam Face Cleanser $20: Am I the only one besides young children who really hates to wash their face? I just hate it. The facial cleansing wipes are where it is at. This does have artichoke extract which is interesting. Did you know in French they have a saying “Coeur d’artichaut” or “Artichoke Heart.” It describes someone who falls in love easily or with a lot of people. I thought that was a pretty cool saying. Go ahead and share that at a party if you are stuck in a dull convo.

My Value: Camilla can use this in her bird bath to make her feather glisten!


Talika - Eye Gel ($50)
;Talika – Eye Gel ($50)

Talika – Eye Gel ($50): The design on the box does not look luxurious. It honestly looks like a box you would find in the beauty section of the Dollar Store. For $50 a pop I want my cosmetics to look more put together! This product is supposed to help dark circles and such that seem to lurk under all of our eyes. I will give it a try and post if it does anything. Though it makes me wonder if a day will ever come that dark circles will be in style. Could we make that a thing?

My Value: The pen like applicator means I can write review ideas on my eye bags as I treat them!


Sothys – Mascara ($26): I don’t have a picture of this because for whatever reason the blog won’t let me upload it. I think it doesn’t want the world to know my new secret to mink like lashes that say “Oui Oui!” when my lips say “No! No!” Or is it the other way around? I dunno.

This mascara is “Limited Edition.” How on earth can a black mascara be “Limited Edition” you are probably asking me with your powerful mind telepathy. Because in a world of many words there is little meaning.

My Value: This can be used to make a white cat look like Pepe Le Pew!


Ozone - Socks ($25-35)
Ozone – Socks ($25-35)

Ozone – Socks ($25-35): These I can use so that is nice. Ozone is “devoted” to not only making wearable socks and tights, but to “remind us that fashion is not something you do for others, but something you do for yourself.” This seems very Ayn Rand to me. Am I alone here? I am 100% sure her characters would all be keeping their toes warm in Ozone wear.

My Value: When going to a house that requires me to remove my shoes I will now feel a sense of excitement to show off my fancy socks… that match!


Cj - Gold Plated Earings ($50)
Cj – Gold Plated Earrings ($50)

Charly James – Gold Plated Earrings ($50): A lot of people online don’t seem taken with these earrings. I actually like them if only for their sort of 80s feel. A lot of debate has been going on as to if these would be worn by a “French Woman.” While there is a lot wrong with the idea of “The French Woman” much like there is something wrong with the idea of “The American Woman,” I argue that these are indeed French enough in style to be included in the box.

My argument: Can we agree that these really conjure up the work of Patrick Nagel? Tell me the the ladies below would not wear these earrings:

She may be wearing them in this!
She may be wearing them in this!



Another lady who would swoon for these earrings!
Another lady who would swoon for these earrings!

When you take a closer look at the Art Deco style Nagel’s work pulls from you might ask yourself what this has to do with anything French. Art Deco itself is a French style popularized after World  War I. It is French. The bold geometric patters fit this style! Continuing to use Nagel’s work (I just feel so sorry that his art has been ripped off and left to die in nail salons across the country) as a backdrop for my argument we can also look to the art he was influenced by:



What is ‘zis? More French art! So while the fantasy of the understated “French Woman” might not wear these earrings, that woman only exists in the minds of those who have formed her. She is not real. French women are varied and different. They are different races, religion, and deserve better than to be idealized by our Western notions of “style” and “chic.” These earrings are French.

My Value: The debate that raged online gave me a chance to think about more than just boxes for a change!


Zadig & Voltaire - Scarf ($150)
Zadig & Voltaire – Scarf ($150)

Zadig & Voltaire – Scarf ($150): My scarf is an olive green and a bit of a yawn. I like it and will be able to wear it or gift it with pride but it isn’t really anything that got me excited. I have never spent anything near $150 for a scarf. I imagine wearing this and when people try to touch it snapping at them to get their “proletariat paws off of my finery.”

My Value: I could tie it into some sort of halter top and prance around San Diego embarrassing my friends and family!


Hediard - Metal Box Caramel ($25)
Hediard – Metal Box Caramel ($25)

Hediard – Metal Box Caramel ($25): Straight up? These are damn good. I mean they are actually really freaking nummers. Camilla swooped in really fast on these and I almost lost a finger trying to wrench these treats away. The tin is really cute which I did not expect. The caramels are really buttery and have a light delicate taste. I could not imagine sharing these with just any old person popping a squat on my pull out couch. No. Way. Ever see those Milano cookie commercials where the mom hides her cookies from her family in funny places like an overhead lamp? (Side note: What an awful place to hide chocolate cookies they would melt!) These are something you want to keep away from the riff raff who may find themselves in your parlor.

My Value:  These treats will be perfect to eat in my silk robe and lamb slippers by the fire!


Final Verdict: The spoilers were filled with horses and talk of Normandy. I really didn’t get a feel for the theme in the contents of the box other than the CJ earrings being made by someone who was born there. So many horses were put into the hints I half expected to get one! Also from my research I have a decidedly low value box. I wonder if this was because I used a coupon?

It was worth the money I spent (under $85 a box) because the items can be used and it was fun to wonder what would come. It might also be worth the money spent to someone who paid full price and finds value is a $150 scarf. Plus I am thinking they would probably get a better box. Overall I am pleased and looking forward to the next one!

  47 comments for “Oui Please 1.2 – Dreaming Of Normandy Review March 2015

  1. Shana in OR
    March 7, 2015 at 8:53 pm

    Love it! Really like the part about the earrings, not your typical review 🙂 Glad I did not bow to the pressure to get this box, I just don’t see myself wearing those earrings, necklace or scarf. Gotta love scarfs that are listed for that much money, but it is pretty common. Some of them do feel lovely though.

    • Subscriptionista
      March 7, 2015 at 9:06 pm

      Thanks and I’m glad the earrings part didn’t put you off my review. I was anxious to put my view out there. I’m no art major or fashion maven. The scarf is nice and I’m sure took a lot of work to make. I just can’t spend that much on it. I think if you had a box with the sweater and liked it then it would be a really good value. I’m not disappointed I’m just not the target demographic for luxury anything hahaha

      • Shana in OR
        March 7, 2015 at 9:49 pm

        LOL, well I am right in that camp with you. Actually rarely used any makeup or face cleansers or anything like that till last summer. My mother calls my subscription box thing my mid life crisis. I call it finally starting to take care of my skin and treating myself. Though I really am not a luxury type person for this type of stuff. Pass me LLB and Popsugar and Birchbox and it is good.

        • Subscriptionista
          March 7, 2015 at 9:58 pm

          Those are my favs! I think the box thing is my crises as well! It’s fun to get things and try them out. I guess the excitement of unboxing is a fun thing for me. I’m enjoying writing about the contents and also the idea of “value”

      • March 7, 2015 at 9:56 pm

        I found your opinion on the earrings very interesting, and your argument convincing.

        • Subscriptionista
          March 7, 2015 at 10:00 pm

          Thanks Nana! I know many would argue I’m wrong lol

  2. PA Anna
    March 8, 2015 at 1:44 am

    I want to know what alternate universe everyone is living in where the last comment is reading 10 pm and it is 8:42 pm EST in my universe :). I did read and enjoy the post and need to collect my thoughts for another day. Sister issues.

    • Subscriptionista
      March 8, 2015 at 1:57 am

      Hahaha I need to fix the time in my settings! Thanks for the message and it’s trite for me to say I hope things are getting better but I do. Also I’m sending good vibes out!

      • PA Anna
        March 8, 2015 at 3:13 pm

        Thank you. It can be difficult at times and expensive. Yesterday was an expensive day. I’m not sure how expensive yet 🙁

        • Subscriptionista
          March 8, 2015 at 5:40 pm

          That’s even tougher when expenses hit. My full time gig is under the healthcare umbrella and I know first hand how difficult it can be for patients and their family.

  3. PA Anna
    March 8, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    I think you did a great job making this post interesting with cultural references and antedotes causing it to stand out from other Oui, Please blog posts. I think they played it safe this time by offering standard subscription box items for the most part (the totes, sweaters, and coin jewelry is different). There is nothing wrong with that because a lot of commenters seem to enjoy their boxes. What do you think of the lack of variety as compared to the first box offerings?

    It’s good that Camilla thought the box did not smell like France. That would have been an unpleasant box opening based on your train ride although I imagine the open pastures smell pleasant. I kept laughing during that part because it reminded me when I pick up my older son and his friends from track practice. I can’t drop them off fast enough. I also noticed that Camilla the Hen is requesting a refund on her French box (not to be confused with Oui, Please). Best of luck to that.

    LOL on the company being created in 1986. Things like that make me feel old when I read it. The good thing is that they selected a different french tea company than the one that has been in 2 subscription boxes already. I can’t remember the name except it was Russian or something similar that moved to France some years back. Bonus points on that since they are a French Discovery Service.

    I was wondering about that with the necklace. There’s no polite to ask on a blog and maybe it’s more dependent on one’s body design. The designer has an interesting view on her clients. Maybe they are the type that can gracefully carry off the necklace without attracting attention to the nibs 🙂 Also does the necklace hook in the back or do you have to wrap it around to make it look like that?

    I’m working through my stockpile and discover I hate facial wipes!!! I think I will enjoy them more once it is warmer outside. I enjoy reading the little extras that you bring into your review such as the french saying. Sothy’s and black mascara…At least what you wrote is interesting. The partnership that Sothy’s has with Oui, Please is what planted a seed of doubt in my mind about the French Box. Sothy’s USA announced on their FaceBook that they were proud to partner with Oui, Please back during their pre-launch. I couldn’t find anything similar about the French box which caused me to wonder why.

    Do the socks have a pattern on them? I loved the Ann Ryand comment. Am I the only one wondering why people were concerned about whether french women wear those type of earrings, but were fine with them wearing grey socks? The one debate I read was becoming intense. I like the direction that you took the earrings. Did the scarf feel different to you than other scarves? I haven’t seen anyone receive the exclusive scarf that was posted on MSA.

    The caramel tin is my favorite. I want the tin after someone posted a picture of the side of the tin. I would be happy with a touristy french themed box. I’m glad that you like your items. It would be horrible to receive this box after the hype and cost only to find out you dislike it. It’s an enjoyable post to read 🙂

    • Subscriptionista
      March 8, 2015 at 5:53 pm

      This box compared to what I saw in the last box does seem safer. I can tell you I’d rather have plain grey socks over “Girls don’t cry” t shirts any day! The scarf is soft but not OMG SOFT like people are saying. It has a nice weave and the dye seems to be quality. I would pay $30 at the most for it. I’m a cheap bastard who can’t even imagine spending $50 on a scarf let alone $150. The olive green really grew on me but I’m likely going to gift it.

      The make up products to be are a bit of a yawn. I’m so make up jaded right now!

      Socks were plain. Though I saw others that had flowers. I’m actually happy with the plain!

      It’s totally odd to read peoples thoughts on the French woman. Even if you’re from France the idea of the one size fits all woman, or worse the “standard” woman, is degrading and naive. It is a farce.

      The caramels made the box. Hands down!

      Lol human smells are so bad! Ever go into Acrombie and fitch? Ewwwwww

      Thanks as always for reading!!!

  4. PA Anna
    March 9, 2015 at 1:03 am

    I’m dreading the day when my teen wants to enter that store. He asked me why did I let him accrue so many geek shirts? He wants to step his wardrobe up a notch because he’s taking his girlfriend to the museum and a orchestra concert (not on the same day) this month. Apparently they are not geek shirt attired events. I’m already dreading their 10th grade semi-formal. She is making her dress and he wants to match it perfectly. Ugh! Looks like we are moving back to his polo shirt wearing days.

    • Subscriptionista
      March 9, 2015 at 1:27 am

      Think how it would be to have a girl and all the shopping that brings along with it. I remember so many fights with my mom over prom. That’s actually cool she is making her dress. I never made anything lol I looks back at pictures and think, wth was I thinking??? A and F is the worst ever. The smell is so bad. Like cheap cologne and hormones. Ick.

  5. PA Anna
    March 9, 2015 at 1:22 am

    I had to share this 🙂

    I don’t know how I did it, but I receive an email each time there is a new MSA blog post. I saw that the Rachel Zoe Style Box went live (it’s not) and tried to sign up. It’s not live so I poked around the FAQs etc. Their FAQ was last updated on 3/10/15! Can you postdate FAQs? Did we spring ahead a few days? Do businesses not care if their information is incorrect?

    I don’t think I will sign up because I signed my teen up for etiquette classes. It goes over college interviews etc.

    • Subscriptionista
      March 9, 2015 at 1:31 am

      I’m probably going to skip the box because I’m not in love with the bracelet and I have no idea what Rachel Zoe is about. I missed that train I guess! That’s totallllly weird that they don’t have the correct date, unless your computer can access the future! If that is a case hook me up,with some lotto numbers! 😉 etiquette is super important. I took classes and it helped me feel more comfortable because I had an idea of what I should do. Confidence builder for sure!

  6. nelliebelle1197
    March 9, 2015 at 2:04 am

    You need to spend more money and subscribe to more boxes because this is hilarious. I need more of you in my life, no matter how broke it makes you.

    • Subscriptionista
      March 9, 2015 at 2:13 am

      You are so kind! Do you think this “poor house” everyone says I’m going to will have room for my $150 scarf? I hope so…

      More boxes on the way. Also some golden tote stuff. Yay for stuff I guess! 😉

    • Shana in OR
      March 10, 2015 at 12:11 am

      I second this 🙂

      • Subscriptionista
        March 10, 2015 at 1:18 am


        I was beyond sad that Golden Tote wasn’t taking orders today 🙁 should I do fabfitfun? I just don’t get the “fit” feel from the boxes…

        • Shana in OR
          March 10, 2015 at 3:07 am

          Do you like the spoilers? If you don’t then skip this one. I can’t use the first spoiler due to allergies so I am skipping. They do have some good boxes, but I went back through my subscription box cards last night and realized that fitfabfun are nice boxes, but I actually get more use out of the pop sugar boxes. What kind of boxes do you want to do? OuiPlease is one of the most expensive. If you like the lifestyle boxes over beauty boxes then fitfabfun fits with that. Causebox is awesome, Kreation Krate (just to get some tears over unfinished projects – though some are easier than others), GlobeIn looks fun, I wonder how Threaded Canvas is doing, I would love to see what you would think of Treatsie or Orange Glad (food), well that is quite the list – just wanted to give a few to think about. There are so many out there that are not getting reviewed and finding hidden gems would be really fun. (Not that I need more boxes at this time lol.)

          • March 10, 2015 at 3:08 am

            and I was sad about Golden Tote today, I may actually get one. I got a mystery tote the last time they offered them and I loved it so am going to spring for a bag this time if they keep what I want in stock long enough.

          • Subscriptionista
            March 10, 2015 at 3:19 am

            I want the black maxi and giraffe dress. I’m crazy about animals on my clothing. I’m a giant four year old hahaha

          • Subscriptionista
            March 10, 2015 at 3:18 am

            Those are all good choices! Once I get this stupid move over with I’ll get even more boxes. I have so many coming! Maybe snacks would be good because I can eat them as I write the review… I should snoop around to find lesser known boxes. I need to stop just clicking on whatever MSA tells me to. I swear that site made me an addict.

          • PA Anna
            March 10, 2015 at 10:56 pm

            Rambling of a Suburban mom has a good list. She also lists once a week new sub boxes and changes. I think half of the sub boxes that I tried have never been reviewed by MSA.

            Personally I advise against FabFitFun at this point because chances are you will be dealing with billing or shipping issues. Of course, you may be one of the lucky ones to receive an extra box or two. I noticed that it goes smoothly if you buy before the first billing date. Good luck if you do purchase! I enjoy Globe-In and KreationKrate. KreationKrate does push me in my skill level sometimes. I haven’t seen Twined reviewed in awhile.

            I think it depends what you are looking to accomplish on your blog. I think a mixture of the some of the popular boxes along with a few unknowns may work. I google unknown boxes that interest me which is how I find lesser known blogs sometimes.

            There is a box for almost anything including air filters! What interests you?

          • Subscriptionista
            March 11, 2015 at 4:15 am

            Lol I need to think about what I want to accomplish! More stuff came in today at least so I’ll have stuff to write about this week. I’m so bogged down with moving and work it is crazy.

            Do you have a blog? I keep forgetting to ask!

          • PA Anna
            March 11, 2015 at 4:52 am

            You are busy! No blog. I know nothing about blogging.

            Care to share what boxes came in the mail:)

          • Subscriptionista
            March 11, 2015 at 3:14 pm

            So far this week: birchbox, blush box, pet box, fabuletics. More maybe today!

    • nana
      March 12, 2015 at 7:32 pm

      I’m now coming here every day hoping for an update. My subscription box addiction is waning (all my addictions last a few months at most), but I so enjoy reading your reviews.

      Have you subscribed to Hamptons Lane? I want to get this month’s box, but I want to give the $20 referral to someone who needs it. So if you subscribed and have a link let me know.

      • Subscriptionista
        March 12, 2015 at 7:55 pm

        Hi Nana! Yes I’m writing more reviews. I’ve just been very busy this week with work, moving, and the like. Awww I don’t sub to Hampton lane yet! Sub boxes are exciting and boring depending on my mood lol. I have so many waiting for a review! Hopefully tonight!

  7. March 10, 2015 at 3:22 am

    lol that site is soooo bad for my wallet, esp when I see coupon codes. and hear about what good deals you can get. I need to stand back from the Oui Please post and coupon when you get a year. Just not sure I can justify it when I am getting so much stuff already. Especially as I have no idea how many of the beauty products I am allergic too. Looking forward to your next review. Don’t overwhelm yourself yet 🙂

    • Subscriptionista
      March 10, 2015 at 3:26 am

      Thanks!!! I’ll try to get a review delivered soon. Don’t feel like you have to get the Oui Please box. The way people talk about it it’s like wayyyyyy amazing sounding. In reality the stuff is nice but I ended up with stuff I’ve been getting in other boxes. Scarves, beauty, socks, candy.

      • PA Anna
        March 10, 2015 at 10:42 pm

        I’ve been waiting for someone to say that! I think part of the value is how much enjoyment do you get out of opening a box. I’m not into the whole box experience, My little guy opens most of them and hands me the items. Send me a box with tissue paper and shredded paper. I know I am in the minority. My sister disagrees with me. She prefers a pretty wrapped box.

        I think that Oui, Please is going to release a discount code in the middle of April. Watch me be wrong. It’s a fast and easy way for them to bring in money to support the business.

        I’m against yearly subs except for proven sub businesses such as Birch Box. Look at French Box. I never thought that last year they will be where they are this year. It’s a calculated risk.

        • Subscriptionista
          March 11, 2015 at 12:48 am

          You are so right!!! I did not understand that about boxes before this because I’m so new to them so now I would tell people to really think before going for the whole year plan. Otherwise you can end up being super unhappy.

          I also don’t care too much about the box itself being fancy. I guess it does add to the feeling of luxe but really I just want fun stuff!

        • March 11, 2015 at 3:21 am

          Very true. I would pay $90 to try this one out, but not $150. I really like the blue scarf and my husband actually liked the earrings. Just hesitant to do a one year to get that price. Thankfully I never got French Box, even when it had it’s better months. I was able to get away from Escape Monthly after just a mini Puerto Rico box. Before the bomb of Hawaii box.
          The wrapping does not mean too much to me, as long as the things get here in one piece. The funny part it a year ago I did not have any scarfs other than the ones for the coldest days outside (my husband got into watching too many crime shows and loved to talk about them being a good way to get strangled….) But after 10 months of boxes I like them, especially blue and soft.
          I have yet to get any limited PopSugar Boxes either. Too many little ones though lol

          • Subscriptionista
            March 11, 2015 at 4:20 am

            Hahaha the scarf thing is hilarious! ID network for the win! French box was a huge mistake on my part. I’m going to stick with monthly ones from here on out. I really learned my lesson!!!! Oui Please was nice this time but I can’t say it is like a trip to Paris or something. Pop Sugar is my fav!!!! I got the holiday box as a gift but I didn’t get the resort box because I’m slow to action I guess…

          • PA Anna
            March 11, 2015 at 5:22 am

            I hear you on the scarves. I had zero indoor scarves before sub boxes. Now I have a few that look great with outfits.

            I bought one popsugar le box-the fall box. It was a fail for me. Popsugar is a hit or miss for me. It was really frustrating because it was a more lux version of the monthly box. I actually liked the monthly box better that month and wore the monthly scarf more than the le scarf.

            I think Oui, Please provides a good incentive to order the yearly subscription especially with a 20 percent discount. It’s a significant difference. Yet I read comments about people still waiting for tracking numbers, slow to no response to emails, fb comments deleted, wrong sizes being sent, and items received from 8-12 items.

            It’s the second shipment. There are growing pains. Also, is it sustainable for a sub box to send $400+ product for 86-150 a box?

            Then there is the issue that most credit cards won’t let you dispute after a certain amount of time leaving you with no recourse in the second half of the yearly sub. This isn’t always true. People posted that they received porated credit cards refunds from their credit card company by explaining they were still to receive the boxes. It worked for some when Whimsey Box stopped sending boxes. They were in business for around 2 years. One day they start sending boxes late and then no boxes. Total radio silence even though cards continued to be charged for months. People tracked down that the company declared bankeuptcy and they moved out of state. You never know with boxes.

          • Subscriptionista
            March 11, 2015 at 3:17 pm

            This is awesome info. You SHOULD blog for sure! I am going to put together a buyer beware post. Is it alright if I use your comments?

          • PA Anna
            March 11, 2015 at 5:25 am

            I replied on my phone. Sorry for typos and readability issues.

          • Subscriptionista
            March 11, 2015 at 3:17 pm

            I have typos even on a computer!

          • PA Anna
            March 11, 2015 at 11:38 pm

            You are welcome to use them.

            Thank you for the compliment. Maybe…one day…It’s fun to comment on blogs.

          • Subscriptionista
            March 12, 2015 at 3:57 am

            Well I think you should if you ever decide to let me know!

          • PA Anna
            March 11, 2015 at 11:44 pm

            I wanted to add if I ever did blog I would like to revisit boxes a month later and write about whether they were truly useful or satisfying. Do people enjoy their boxes after they are opened? Did the eye cream really work? Did the grey socks from Oui, Please change your life? Something like Oui, Please, Normandy 1 month later. I don’t know if there is any appeal in that. That would be in addition to the regular unboxing.

            Still I doubt I would ever blog.

          • Subscriptionista
            March 12, 2015 at 3:58 am

            That’s awesome! I am trying to take pics as I use things. Lol I don’t seem to be using a lot. I’ll be back writing tonight and tomorrow. I’ve been overwhelmed with packing and work. But I have some fun box stuff and need to write to relax!

  8. PA Anna
    March 10, 2015 at 10:58 pm

    Maybe you can email Kelly at Kloverbox and do a mini-interview as part of their one year celebration. Rarely do I see information about the people behind the boxes.

    • Subscriptionista
      March 11, 2015 at 4:16 am

      That is an amazing idea! I’m going to see if she will!!! Thanks! You are the best!

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