SB Thoughts: When a Box Falls Flat

Most, if not all, of us, have experienced that moment when we opened a box and was disappointed. How should it be handled?

Puss In Boots
Puss In Boots

I’ve opened a box that I’ve disliked and closed it back up right away.



Not every box is going to make the majority of subscribers happy. What happens then?


How should it be handled when a box doesn’t leave subscribers full of smiles? We’ve seen unhappy thoughts expressed in blogs and forums. We’ve seen curators responding. Sometimes it works and sometimes it is taken the wrong way or goes too far.


I received an email from CollectibleGeek the other day regarding the Romero Cache. I thought it was a pleasant way to handle the feedback. He acknowledged that some liked it and some didn’t. He listened to the feedback and responded with a solution. He apologized and came across as valuing his subscribers.


A message form the CEO

I would like to make a statement about the ROMERO Cache. It seems there is no middle ground on this cache there are those of you that absolutely loved the cache and those of you ready to come after us with pitchforks and torches.
I have been following everything you the collectors have been saying and the one thing that keeps recurring is that there should have been a T-Shirt in the cache. So we hear you and we always listen to you, and as such for now on EVERY cache (except Inventory Caches) going forward Monthly, Deluxe, and Ultimate Fandom caches will have a shirt.
As for the value of the cache it was a little lower than our other Ultimate Fandom Caches those came in around $100 and this cache came in around $85 (shirt would have made it over $100).

All that said I tried to put a good cache together for you guys and some of you loved it for those of you that didn’t I apologize and can do nothing but ask for your forgiveness and promise you I will listen to your feedback and make the next one completely better.
Thanks for being collectors, I love all of you guys. You are what makes CG so great.
Robert Jerig
collectibleGEEK LLC


I am not a CollectibleGeek affiliate. I have purchased boxes in the past from them without any issues. The CEO happens to write great emails that addresses issues that come up in the subscription box world.


How should it be handled when a box does not meet expectations? How should a curator handle it? Share below and anything else on your mind.

  13 comments for “SB Thoughts: When a Box Falls Flat

  1. Pnut
    September 2, 2015 at 12:38 pm

    Well written email love how humor is used.
    Pitchforks and torches sounds like MSA boards at times :p

  2. Subscriptionista
    September 2, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    Love this post! When I open a box I don’t like I’m usually sort of open mouthed with anger and disbelief. A really bad box is rare and I TOTALLY am the type to get super mad and blog about it. I tend to try to walk away from the box for a spell and think about it now.

    For instance the MSA/Kloverbox got all the villagers in an uproar but now that time has past I see just how much I love all the items. I also got to send my pillow of to Sub Bella which was nice. I literally got joy out of every single item they included. I’m still getting use out of the items!

    Or Sugarbash. I just got my box and I was sort of like what in the world, just like last month. However, I Love the hat and who knows some of the items in this new one might be good!

    I’m just sort of like “what was I expecting?” If my expectations were out of line with reality then it’s MY fault I’m mad.

  3. Heat7918
    September 2, 2015 at 1:01 pm

    The only box I’ve been REALLY disappointed in was a total cheapie – I’m talking a 3-month Rue La La that ended up being maybe $2 per box. So I didn’t care much.

    I’ve definitely had a couple other boxes that I wasn’t wow’d by, but they were $10-$15 boxes that I was just trying out as a new sub addict. They weren’t horrible so I just canceled since they weren’t for me. Then there were a few others where the box was ok / good but then after reading some reviews on blogs, they got better – I love to hear how other people plan to use things in ways I wouldn’t have thought: perfume as room spray, scarf as a belt or hair oil on your feet (ok, I just made that up but you get the idea!) So I like to see what others say before being too upset. I’ve also never bought a box more than $35(?) so it might be different for me with a $100 box!!

    As far as how the curator should handle it… never come across sounding too defensive and NEVER insult your customers!! A heartfelt explanation as to why they love the items is always appreciated.

  4. Rachel
    September 2, 2015 at 2:17 pm

    Also what about when your box is late or never arrives? I am waiting on a try me/sample size box that is over due. I really want to try the products but the delay has already soured my opinion on the company. There is a shipping delay which I understand happens at times but I didn’t find out about it until I emailed the company. I think an email from the company first would have changed my whole outlook on the delay. Now my next problem is if I love the products when they arrive, what to do? Lol!

    • Pnut
      September 2, 2015 at 3:37 pm

      Zoe put a extra when some boxes were delayed. They should be doing something like that awesome CS *gives stink eye to Randomly*

      • Artemis
        September 2, 2015 at 5:41 pm

        “Randomly”! Hahahah!

  5. laura
    September 2, 2015 at 2:42 pm

    I am always surprised at how cruel some commenters can be, if you order a “mystery” box you cant be upset. period. I ordered the famous December Neiman Marcus Popsugar box and it seems like everyone hated it, I liked it and ended up using everything! I try to always think what most people would like and judge a box on that. I think Im the only one who likes getting earrings in boxes, too! lol

    • Heat7918
      September 2, 2015 at 5:10 pm

      Unless the items aren’t valued as promised or are expired, etc., then I think people can get upset about a mystery box… But cruel is still unnecessary. “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar!” (Usually)

    • Heat7918
      September 2, 2015 at 5:11 pm

      Oh, and I would love getting earrings in a box!! Hasn’t happened yet.

      • September 2, 2015 at 8:29 pm

        Do you want my DottieBox earrings? I also have earrings from the White Peach Pottery August review that should be up tomorrow. Let me know when you see that review.

    • Artemis
      September 2, 2015 at 5:58 pm

      Agree that you can’t be upset in getting a mystery box. Honestly, reading some comments on some blogs, I just want to respond with “I don’t think mystery boxes are for you.” When I’m unhappy with a box, I simply cancel. Period. I don’t wait to see if the next box will be better. I don’t post cruel comments on blogs. I don’t even reach out to the company, other than to say I’m canceling (though I will honestly answer why I’m canceling if asked). Life is too short to go on a rampage because a box company had the audacity to send me a body lotion in a scent I don’t like.

  6. Kelly
    September 2, 2015 at 6:32 pm

    It’s a risk like playing cards or the slots, which I don’t gamble, so I have funds for sub boxes. :0)
    Swap, donate, pay it forward.
    I hated the Nina Garcia box, I got first one and that grandma wallet lives in infamy. I cancelled the sub the minute I finished opening contents.
    Great post, and comments, thanks all.

  7. September 3, 2015 at 1:49 pm

    I feel it’s okay to post when disappointed with a box. I just do not like when the post become personal attacks against the owners, artist or even customers who like the box or dislike the box.

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