The Hippie Hobby Subscription Box Review + Coupon- January 2016

Box: The Hippie Hobby
Cost: $23.95 with free shipping
Theme: Eco-Friendly Craft Box
Contents: Everything you need to complete craft with an emphasis on natural or recycled materials
Frequency: Every other month
Coupon for $5 off your first box: 5OFF2015


This is a new box for me. I loved opening the box and seeing this beautiful presentation. It makes me think I should try harder when I leave the house to look more put together instead of looking like a homeless person…


This is a “craft in a box” style box. It is geared and focused on using recycled or natural ingredients. As you can see above, the packaging was shredded newspaper! Tiny details matter in the box world and I love that they used recycled materials even down to the packaging.

No, this newspaper is not the craft….


Here is the theme for the month. To create an up-cycled wine cork heart.

Are you hoping that they included the wine as well as the corks?!?!


Nope. Here are the corks! Recognize a few brands?
Do you think the Hippy Hobby staff drank all this wine before or after creating this craft?!?


Here are the very detailed and clear instructions with pics for those of us who don’t do well with instructions…..
ahem, me


I am amassing quite a few glue guns thanks to craft boxes… If there is ever a glue gun emergency (like you need glitter glued on asap) then I’m your gal.


Easy to use stencil.


The pretty packaging re-appears as part of your craft. Very handy indeed.

Ok lets get to work:
Plug in those glue guns!!
The stencil made the craft easy to get started


Here is a pic of the average glue amount I used in between the corks.
Tip: you have to work fast with low heat glue guns or you create weak seals that can easily pop off


Next up, wrapping the hearts with a burlap ribbon.
Tip: This serves two purposes in that is stabilizes the heart as well as makes it look pretty…


I used less glue points around the heart then they recommended only because there is no way to avoid this look (pictured below) where the glue seeps through the burlap. They recommended every cork and I alternated with every other.


Voila! Start to finish it took about 30 minutes.


Here is where I point out one thing that irked me about this project and that was that not all of the wine corks had the red wine stain on them. If I was allowed to drink right now I would have just saved a few and replaced them with corks from my own wine.
Although they did all have corkscrew track marks….(which sounds dirty doesn’t it?!)


Here is where I am trying it out in my kitchen
yes, we love kalamata olives….

They also included this fun mini-craft which I have not tried out yet because I am low on olive oil.



Survey Says:
I really like the intention behind this box. This craft was beginner friendly and they made the directions really easy and clear. I do think the value wasn’t quite there on this box. I purchased this box with a $5 off coupon bringing it down to $18.95 which still seems a little pricey for this style of craft. One nice thing is that they do a lot of spoilers on instagram so it would be easy to pick and chose to hop on and hop off depending on your preference for the material being focused on for the craft. A friend of mine did a Christmas ornament this year using corks and created a grape cluster that looked a lot like this one below from  I think the inclusion of something else maybe glitter or etc would have made me feel this box was worth $24. This is only one box though and so the value may vary per box.
They include free shipping and you know how I feel about free shipping……………. ah-mazing! 


  11 comments for “The Hippie Hobby Subscription Box Review + Coupon- January 2016

  1. January 27, 2016 at 9:52 pm

    Great review! Love, love, love, anything Coppola! When you tire of your project on the wall you can use it as a trivet. Or a dual-purpose decor that doubles as a trivit 😉

    • January 28, 2016 at 12:29 am

      Hah, Pnut my first thought too was yay Coppola! When I’m feeling fancier than boxed wine or Grocery Outlet two buck chuck, I go for Chateau St Michelle, and sssooommmeeetimmmmeeess grab a nice Coppola if I’ve got my fancy pants on.

      This is a very high priced box for used corks! I’m guessing most of the $$$ went to buying the bottles of wine and drinking them while coming up with box ideas. I want that job. The sugar scrub is a neat little inclusion–I made some coffee turbinado sugar scrub for Christmas presents, but I used an old bag of coffee and it smells like crap to me.

      I do love the glitter grapes though! Perhaps I’ll dip into my wine cork container and make something.

      • Mailbox Junkie
        January 28, 2016 at 1:06 am

        I think I had the most fun looking at the different brands of wine corks. There was one Kirkland cork. I picked it up and nodded to it and said “respect!”

        • January 28, 2016 at 2:03 pm

          I noticed that Kirkland cork too and I am sorta curious…

      • January 28, 2016 at 1:59 pm

        Best post of the day goes to Onderria!

    • Mailbox Junkie
      January 28, 2016 at 1:03 am

      I know I thought of that too but they are all different heights…

      • January 28, 2016 at 2:01 pm

        Great minds think alike!

        Box cutter them to size? Or start drinking when baby pops out! Postpartum baby trivet project lol.

  2. Sub Bella
    January 29, 2016 at 12:55 pm

    What a fun way to reuse wine corks. The project looks great!

    • January 29, 2016 at 9:48 pm

      Thanks for reading! Also a fun way to justify drinking wine…you know in the name of art and stuff… 🙂

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